Culture, Discourse and meaning- Research Proposal By Halim Yasar Student ID : 18030727
Introduction The aim of this report is to develop and produce knowledge/power and meaning through the textual analysis of language of selected texts within the domain of physical discourses to provide an insight into contemporary body orientated pedagogies in terms of social practices, relations and identities The area in which this report will focus is fitness discourse, specifically mens fitness pedagogies as it’s one of the domains of body orientated pedagogies. This was selected as it provides an overview on contemporary social practices within fitness discourses, while also providing insight on social relations and identities on masculine perceptions in regards to fitness training as the selected texts are highly gendered. An example of this is promotion of the the ideal masculine body, such as the notion of becoming a “warrior”, therefore positioning social subjects and creating and developing social identities
Research Questions 1. What are the discourses that produce the knowledge/power dynamics of contemporary body- oriented pedagogies of fitness training and yoga? 2. How are social subjects positioned within/by these discursive formations?
Method The method that I have utilized is Critical Discourse Analysis Through close critical analysis of the text, such as conducting a genre, field and tenor analysis, we can determine the different discourses that are portrayed within the domain of body orientated pedagogies, and further examine these discourses in relation to social relation and identity and the positioning of these social subjects Mills (as cited in Jett, 2006) states that the use of critical discourse analysis utilizes linguistic analytical methods to determine how power relations are imposed within the texts. This close analysis of the texts therefore allows us to discuss the social context of the text in a much broader perspective.(p. 339) ultimately, critical discourse analysis is crucial in allowing us to understand the social context and discourses within the text, in regards to the dynamics of body orientated pedagogies, specifically mens fitness, and therefore as a result it is also crucial in answering the project brief research questions..
Data – Magazine article 1. First text “Battle fit workouts for wannabe warriors”, Mens fitness, March 2016, 52-54. I have selected this text as it portrays contemporary fitness pedagogies in regards to high intensity workout, and due to highly gendered nature of the article, as it promotes the idea of becoming a “warrior”, the text provides valuable insight into the domain of masculine perceptions and shift in social relations and identity within the discourses of mens fitness. 2. Second text “Sean Sarantos' Full-Body 5-Move Super-Shred Circuit” This video was selected as it provides an overview on popular contemporary fitness pedagogical consumption, such as the “how-to” video format and the emphasise on the 5 minute intense workout that’s meant for the “everyday working man”. 3. Both these texts, while both in different format, portray similar concepts regards body orientated pedagogies and fitness discourse, such as the trainers promoting and selling their product to the audience, creating and reshaping social identity and position social subjects, for example, selling the idea of self transformation”
Findings The Magazine article “Battle fit workouts for wannabe warriors”, with the use of celebrity trainer Andrew pap, promotes the idea of high intensity training with the final goal of a fit, muscular body, akin to that of a “warrior”, this is done by using the trainer as a model for the audience to mould and transform themselves into. Gender is also an integral part in this article as this text is clearly geared towards men. This is important as it provides commentary of gender discourse and its role within body orientated pedagogies, in this case, as mentioned before, this article is promoting the image of the muscular man, the “wannabe warrior” body The use of commands, specialized language, forbidden actions, and the general “strict” attitude/mood of the article, as conveyed through the Trainer Andrew pap, emits a sense of uneasiness and unequal power. This portrays the relevant contemporary masculine fitness discourse within the domain of body orientated pedagogies, ultimately reinforcing stereotypical masculine traits as apparent in Men's fitness discourse The second text, which is the “Sean Sarantos' Full-Body 5-Move Super-Shred Circuit” YouTube video,, due to its format, reinforces the idea of quick and easy high intensity fitness workout for the “everyday” man, this is further emphasized but its “how-to” video format which is popular in contemporary fitness pedagogies With the use of recounts, orientation and observations, Sean Sarantose promotes the idea of self transformation and defining of ones own life, while directly addressing the viewer, increasing the level of contact between viewer and trainer. This promotes the idea of a much less intense workout, suitable for the “everyday working man”, making it easier for the trainer to sell their product due to convenience.
Insight Both of these texts promote the notion of muscular bodies as being the “optimal body” for men, persuading the readers through the use of celebrity trainers, specialized/technical knowledge, easy to consume format, and positive affects, with the final goal to sell their product to the viewer. as these texts are highly gendered, by critically analysing these texts, we can determine the implications of gender discourses and its social positions within the domain of body orientated pedagogies, providing additional insight/knowledge into the realm of physical fitness discourses. Common aspects that are prevalent throughout both these texts, such as the promotion of their product, the use of specialized language, trainer authority over the Viewer/reader, perceptions on Masculine “ripped” body and a introduction/Procedural structure, provide a clear representation of reoccurring elements and themes within mens fitness discourses and pedagogies. Overall, my final report will produce and develop knowledge in regards to masculine fitness discourses within the domain of body orientated pedagogies by closely analysing the texts using the genre, field and tenor analysis framework, and ultimately using this analytical framework to answer the previously mentioned project brief questions.
Reference list Battle fit workouts for Wannabe Warriors. (2016, March). Mens Fitness, 52-54. Jette, S. (2006). Fit for two? A critical discourse analysis of Oxygen fitness magazine. Sociology of Sport Journal, 23(4), 331-351. Sarantose, S (2015, July 24) Sean Sarantos' Full-Body 5-Move Super-Shred Circuit [Video File]. Retrieved from