Operating Reserves
Operating Reserves Surprises
Annual Reserve Expenses
Which Components? How much $? How much to Contribute?
Which Components Belong?
Reserve Component List
How much $ should we have?
Do we have enough?
Have your Reserves kept pace with deterioration?
Deficit Reserve Funds Deterioration (Pct Funded under 100%)
Balance Deterioration Reserve Funds (Pct Funded = 100%)
Surplus Deterioration Reserve Funds (Pct Funded over 100%)
How much should we Contribute?
Total Budget Reserves (Avg 25%) Operating 15% - 40% Typical
Percent Funded
Percent Funded
Types of Reserve Studies… & Types of Providers?
Full 1 2 Update With-Site Visit 3 Update No-Site Visit
Do Only Once Full WSV Every Few Years NSV In Between Years
Who do you Trust?
Who do you Trust? RS or PRA
Simple Summary – Four Reserve Rules
And now for the Reality!
Reserve Funds Reserve funds are monies identified for use to defray the future major repair or replacement of components for which the association is obligated to maintain.
Reserve Funds Reserve funds are monies identified for use to defray the ongoing cost of deterioration of components for which the association is obligated to maintain.
Why have Reserve Funds Key to a Strong Foundation Most association documents and many states have laws requiring separate reserve accounts. Having and regularly funding an association's reserve account is key to a strong financial foundation.
Adequately funding reserves will accomplish the following: Fulfill the Board’s fiduciary duty to fund reserves Ability to make necessary repairs and replacements when needed Prevent deferred maintenance and greater long term costs Avoids special assessments and angry homeowners Reduces liability for Boards Avoids inability of homeowners to sell or refinance due to buyer or lender concerns over low reserve funds
What can Reserve Funds be used for? 1. Reserve funds should only be used for the purpose (maintain a reserve component) they were set aside for. 2. TMT shall recommend that the board not expend funds designated as reserve funds for any purpose other than the repair, restoration or replacement of a major component which the association is obligated to repair and for which the reserve fund was established, or as otherwise authorized under state statutes.
It is critical for all associations to have a plan for regularly funding their reserves. How much does and association need? Enter…. The Reserve Study! Leadership Management Moment Are you practicing Management with a “C.O.S.” ? (Communications, Objectives, Structure) Once quantifiable objectives are defined and agreed upon, the Reserve Study is a critical tool in leading your Board to accomplish their goal.
What is a Reserve Study? A Reserve study is a planning tool designed to help the Board of Directors anticipate and prepare for the repair and replacement of the association’s major physical assets (components) it is responsible for maintaining.
A Reserve Study Identifies the major components and projects their future maintenance requirements 2. Estimates when work will be needed 3. Estimates what the cost will be Provides recommendation for annual reserve allocations 5. Maintenance obligations for the next 30 years
Why Have a Reserve Study? A reserve study is a critical tool to ensure the Board of Directors understands their association’s long term financials needs and can plan accordingly. Some State statues require reserve studies. A reserve study prepared by a professional is key for the proper management of an association.
Boards of Directors have a fiduciary duty to: Maintain its physical assets (reserve components) according to the governing documents and state statutes Understand its funding needs & plan accordingly Levy regular assessments sufficient to perform its obligations under the governing documents, including reserve funding. Have a reserve study prepared by a professional
But Wait…What does it all mean? The Reserve Study: A Multi-Purpose Tool* Understanding Reserve Terminology* *See attachments
How is a Reserve Study prepared? Reserve studies are prepared in a two part process: A visual analysis and a financial analysis. TMT Point of Differentiation Trust Reserves Our product combines professional knowledge with practical management experience. Be sure your Board receives a proposal from a TMT Analyst. Trusted Partners Whenever possible, we call upon our trusted vendors for bids and maintenance planning proposals to enhance our reserve study product.
Visual Analysis Identifies major components the association is obligated to repair, replace, restore, or maintain that, as of the date of the study, have a remaining useful life of less than 30 years. Identifies the probable remaining useful life of the components.
Financial Analysis Includes estimate of the cost of repair, replacement, restoration, or maintenance of the components. Includes estimate of the total annual contribution necessary to defray the cost of the components during and at the end of their useful life, after subtracting total reserve funds as of the date of the study. Uses their industry expertise to ‘crunch the numbers’ Key Factors - Industry standards for accurate life expectancies - Constant awareness of contractor charges - Changes in the construction industry
Summary of Requirements of a Reserve Study Identification of major components which have a remaining useful life of 30 years or less, as of the date of the study. Identification of probable remaining useful life of components. Estimate of cost to repair, replace, restore, components during and at end of useful life.
Summary of Requirements of a Reserve Study – Cont. Estimate of total annual allocation necessary, after subtracting total reserve funds as of the date of study. Percent funded Separate summary page for publication to homeowners. Funding plan options Reserve category balances in percentages Acceptance of study recorded in the minutes
Reading a Reserve Study Recommended Fund Balance v. Actual Fund Balance Comparison Graphs Recommended Annual Allocation Data Tables Funding Methods* Funding Plan Models* Reserve Study Sample (Division Specific) * See Reserve terminology attachment
Reserve Study Frequency It is very important to have reserve studies, with an on-site inspection, regularly and accounting updates annually. Impossible to predict what will happen over a 30 year time period. Inflation, contractor’s insurance costs, interest rates, investment yields etc… can change dramatically over 30 years. Component conditions change, are repaired or replaced, funding levels change, are not met, etc. Analogy – Ancient mariners using stars and sun to navigate. Wind, currents etc… could throw them off course. Needed to regularly check position and make course adjustment.
TMT Standards and Practical Applications of Reserve Study Recommend as required by State statute or every three years if no requirement Should include a reasonably competent and diligent visual inspection of the accessible areas of the major components which the association is obligated to repair, replace, restore or maintain Board to review this study and have it updated annually Board to consider and implement necessary adjustments Exception: Defect Litigation Reserve Study or Reserve Update is to be performed by a reserve specialist. TMT recommendation for use of a reserve specialist must be reflected in the meeting minutes.
Leadership Management Moment The review and application of the Reserve Study tool should be guided entirely by management. Doing so reinforces your push to maintain Board focus on quantifiable objectives. Create the tool (Trust Reserves?) Adopt the tool (Management with a C.O.S.?) Review & Refer to the tool (TMT Financial Summary?) Achieve your goals!
Critical to Budgeting Process Timing: 4 to 5 months prior to FYE Underfunded: As draft budget preparer, we must recommend measures to correct reserve deficiencies 1. Assessment increase (to maximum if necessary) 2. Special Assessment 3. Association to levy regular and special assessments sufficient to perform its obligations under governing documents. Overfunded: Must recommend correction if necessary to eliminate continued overfunding of reserves Look at funding plan projection Maintain current level of assessments Suspend assessments for a period of time Decrease assessments - requires Leadership review
Association’s Duty to Distribute Budget, Reserve & Assessment Documents Distribution of approved Budget will include a reserve summary based on the most recent review or study conducted which includes the following: Current estimated replacement cost of each component Estimated useful life Estimated remaining life As of the end of the fiscal year for which study prepared Current estimate of cash reserves necessary to repair, replace, restore or maintain major components (Required Fund Balance) Current amount of cash reserves actually set aside (Actual Fund Balance) Percentage of funding level
Reserve Allocations Reserve Allocation Categories Included in Budget Monthly Allocations / Percent Contribution by Category Copy of Entire Reserve Study to Accounting Department Fund Balance Redistribution – Division Specific At Beginning of Fiscal Year to align with reserve study Reflect in the Minutes Annual Meeting – Revenue Ruling 70-604 Board Meeting (Board request for fund shuffle)
Reserve Allocations – Cont. Unfunded Reserve Allocation /Reserve Shortfall Unrealistic budget Unforeseen expenses Overspending Large one-time expense early in the year Notify Board of Directors Methods of Correction Mid-year budget adjustment Incorporate in next reserve study Special assessment
Borrowing from Reserves It is the Boards duty to maintain the integrity of their reserve account. However occasions present themselves which may require or necessitate a Board to borrow from reserves. Board to maintain the integrity of the reserve account. If borrowing, it must be recommended that the Board: Provide written findings Explanation of transfer needed Describe plan for repaying the fund Record above information in the minutes
Borrowing from Reserves - Cont Funds to be restored within one year Temporary delay exception Supported by documentation In the best interest of the association Recorded in the meeting minutes If necessary, the Board to levy a special assessment to recover full amount, subject to statute limitations For litigation purposes: 1. Must notify members in writing 2. Provide a quarterly accounting to members A copy of the Board resolution must be distributed to the appropriate interoffice departments.
Reserve Study as a Planning Tool Used for scheduling future repairs and maintenance Used when preparing the annual association calendar A guide for scheduling work in the appropriate season Used as a guide & third party validation to focus Board’s maintenance bid requests and scope of work. Do the work when scheduled or as needed (protective/preventive vs. mechanical) Leadership Management Moment Maintain Board focus on quantifiable objectives
Mechanics of Paying for Reserve Expense Anticipate expense when signing contracts Type of Expense – Ask Board - “How are you going to pay for it?” 1. Operating Expense 2. Reserve Expense 3. Contingency Reserve Expense: 3-10% 4. Capital Improvement C. Reserve Fund: Adequate liquidity, money market transfer, C.D., etc.
Mechanics of Paying for Reserve Expense (cont.) D. Progress Payments: Pre-signed by Board E. The process – Division specific Critical Path Consider your role in the process of payment of reserves. Who touches the process before you? After? Think ahead to insure this process is executed well.
And Finally…. Quiz Policy Summary Questions & Answers
The End….