Concurrent Versions System User guide for CS408


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Presentation transcript:

Concurrent Versions System User guide for CS408

Concurrent Versions System Purpose Concurrent development Sharing source codes Detecting conflicts caused by concurrency Version control Retaining change history Change of source code Change log Tagging Storing full source code at an event Letting developer switch source code at the event Branching Managing two or more development streams for a source code Stable version vs. newer version

In this course, we will use single stream model Branch strategy Single stream model Dual stream model Multi stream model Branching at emergency Two branches are managed  Development branch  Main branch Branching at emergency in main stream Development branch is merged into main stream at each release point Multiple branches are managed  Development branch  Main branch Branching at emergency in main stream Development branches are merged into main stream at each release point In this course, we will use single stream model

User guide(1/8) Overview Import Checkout (initial time) Login Update CVS Repository Source code (not in repository) Source code (in repository) Import Checkout (initial time) Login Update Commit Create new workspace Developer’s workspace Source code (in workspace) Configuration items Add Delete Additional source code (not in repository) Non-configuration items

User guide(2/8) CVSROOT Login Address for cvs repository Syntax for pserver :pserver:<id>@<server_address>/<cvsroot_directory> Login Login and set credential in local computer  Login must be executed before import or checkout Usage cvs -d <CVSROOT> login Example Entering the command

User guide(3/8) Import Upload source code to cvs repository Usage cvs -d <CVSROOT> import <module_name> <vendor_tag> <initial_tag> Example Entering the command Write log for the import

User guide(4/8) Checkout Download source code from cvs repository Usage cvs -d <cvsroot> checkout <module_name> Example Entering the commands (including login command)

User guide(5/8) Update Update local source code Usage Example cvs update <options> Example Entering the command ( was modified by others)

User guide(6/8) Add Add files or directories to configuration items Usage cvs add <files or directories to add> Example is newly created by programmer Entering the command

User guide(7/8) Delete Remove files or directories from configuration items Usage cvs delete <files or directories to delete> Example Removing the files or directories Entering the command Warning!!! To reflect Add and Delete commands to CVS repository, Commit command must be executed

User guide(8/8) Commit Commit changes of local source code to cvs repository Usage cvs commit Example Entering the command Writing logs

Advanced user guide(1/5) Log When? Commit are import commands require writing log Why? Log can help to trace changes What? Name of one who import or commit Reason Extra information

Advanced user guide(2/5) Conflict Developer 1 CVS Repository Developer 2 Time Source code version 1.0 Source code version 1.0 Source code version 1.0 Update Update Change Source code version 1.0* Source code version 1.1 Change Commit Conflict Source code version 1.0** Commit Source code version 1.0** of developer 2 should also be version 1.1.

Advanced user guide(3/5) Conflict example Developer 1 insert insertedMethod1 to Developer 2 insert insertedMethod2 to Developer 1 commit Developer 2 commit Then Developer 2 meets following error messages

Advanced user guide(4/5) Resolving conflict Execute Update command Open the conflict file Conflict file Added by himself (developer 2) Added by others (developer 1)

Advanced user guide(5/5) Editing the conflict file Execute Commit command In this case, developer 2 decides to remain both methods

CVS configuration information CVS Server address ( CVSROOT path Team 1: 김선영 류승균 염혜원 이수현 최준수 강창헌 /cvsroot/cs408_1 Team 2: Andrii Shyshkalov, 하세훈, 장영진, Autret Guillaume, Vivien Houet /cvsroot/cs408_2 Team 3: 이준희 안재민 박정훈 김병수 이해봄 /cvsroot/cs408_3 Team 4: Antonin Gercier, Nideye Amy Dieng, 전종윤, 이지은, 류한승 /cvsroot/cs408_4 Team 5: 김민국 박지훈 심영준 이종협 한성욱 /cvsroot/cs408_5 Team 6: Erdenefuya G, 백한나 조승범 정민기 장연일 Team 7: 서상현 주은광 윤주현 박웅 최미나 /cvsroot/cs408_7