Continue to summarize the adventures of Odysseus in Notability
Aeolus What happened?
Island of the Laestrygonians What happened?
Circe What happened? What was role of fate?
The Land of the Dead What happened?
The Sirens What happened?
Scylla & Charybdis What happened? Describe Odysseus as a leader:
Cattle of the Sun God What happened? Fate or Free Will?
Calypso What happened?
Back Home in Ithaca What happened? (include the beggar, Telemachus, Athena, the Test of the Bow, the Suitors, Antinous, the final confrontation, the Proof of the Bed) What was the role of hospitality?
How is Odysseus doing as an epic hero so far? a well-known character of high social position whose qualities represent those valuable to his or her society must be clever and crafty to deal with the monsters and obstacles he faces often seems almost superhuman in strength and intelligence is not perfect often struggles to overcome human weaknesses, such as pride (hubris) or temptation