UNIT 18 A1 At the Beach Part I
Objectives Talking about your favourite outdoor activities Describing actions Outdoor activities, beach and related words Basic adverbs
Let’s play in the sand!
Outdoor activity (part1) ► Let’s play in the sand! Outdoor activity (part1)
play in the sun
play in the sand
make a sandcastle
dig a hole Example
Tanya is digging a hole to find a crab. Jenny and Stella are making a sandcastle.
Oh, look! A ghost crab!
Beach and related words ► Oh, look! A ghost crab! Beach and related words (part1)
crab Example
Let’s sit on that rock and take a photo. This crab has got a beautiful orange shell.
Shh! Walk quietly, Amelia.
► Shh! Walk quietly, Amelia. Basic adverbs
Chrissy is very is running . fast really Example
The students are speaking loudly in the class. Adam always drives slowly.
The end
UNIT 18 A1 At the Beach Part II
Objectives Talking about your favourite outdoor activities Talking about possession Possessive pronouns Outdoor activities, beach items, and children’s games
Let’s take a photo.
► Let’s take a photo. Outdoor activities (part 2)
swim in the sea
ride a horse
take a photo Example
My dad is very good at riding horses. Swimming in the sea is my favourite activity.
It’s yellow like my swimsuit.
Beach items and related words ► It’s yellow like my swimsuit. Beach items and related words
beach chair
beach umbrella
towel Example
We love sitting on beach chairs. Emma’s wearing a pink swimsuit and blue flip-flops.
It is our crab now!
Possessive determiners ► It is our crab now! Possessive determiners
I my You your He his She her It its We our They their
her teddy bear a girl a teddy bear
their car Robert Julia a car Example
My friends and I are watching our favourite TV show. Luna and her sister ride their bikes to school every day.
Let’s play tag, Hannah.
► Let’s play tag, Hannah. Children’s games
freeze tag
hide and seek
duck, duck, goose
musical chairs
Summary Talking about outdoor activities
Liza and I are making a sandcastle. We are wearing our pink swimsuits. Our dog is barking loudly over there. Are those Megan and Clara’s flip-flops. Our dog’s running with their flip-flops now. They are running so fast trying to catch our dog.
The end