Talon Physical Science Welcome Parents Ms. Stilfield 8th grade Rm. B-1
Purpose of this class Physical science is the study of matter, energy, and the changes they undergo. This class is designed to provide basic coverage of physics, chemistry, and astronomy. Students will do hands-on investigative labs and activities.
Textbook The textbook is Focus on Physical Science by Prentice Hall. There will be a class set of textbooks and each student will receive a textbook and science workbook for their use.
What will students learn about this year? Investigation and Experimentation (August and all year) Scientific Method Scientific measurement, lab equipment, and lab safety
Chemistry (September-January) Structure and properties of matter Elements and the periodic table Chemical reactions Chemistry of living systems
Physics (January-April) Energy and matter Motion Forces
Density and Buoyancy (April) Sample problems: -Why things sink or float -Calculating the density of objects _Forces related to buoyancy
Astronomy (May-June) The solar system, galaxies, and the universe Moon phases The sun and star life cycles
What is the most important part of your child’s grade? Tests and quizzes Interactive Scientific Notebook (ISN) Lab reports Class participation
Grade Scale Grade Mark Percent Exemplary A 90-100% Outstanding B 80-89% Satisfactory C 70-79% No Mark/ Unsatisfactory NM 0-69%
Quizzes Students will have 1-4 quizzes per unit; about once per week. Tests Students will have 1 test at the end of the unit. Finals Students will have 5 finals this year covering several units
Interactive Scientific Notebook Students will keep worksheets, notes, and most classwork in a spiral notebook. Study Guides Students complete and turn in a study guide for every test/quiz. Labs Labs will be graded on the following: participation in lab ability and willingness to follow directions and work cooperatively the student’s “good” use of lab time, observance of safety rules and procedures successful completion of the lab report. Calendar Students must write the homework in a calendar. Other Work Test/Quiz corrections will be used for every exam. Students will reflect on why they missed a question. Any other class work or homework.
What is this Interactive Science Notebook all about? AVID strategy Most class work goes into the ISN. Reinforces learning Helps students to stay organized so they can study easily. Graded once every unit. Approximately every 3 weeks.
What is the class website? http://stilfieldphysicalscience.wikispaces.com/ Website for students to access class assignments, PowerPoints, and current events. Go to the school website. Go to academies. Click on Ms. Stilfield class calendar. Class Website
What do I do if my child is absent? Check my website (you can download most assignments and PowerPoints) E-mail me if your child will be absent for more than 1 week. If your child is absent for a test, he/she may make it up within 1 week of returning.
What happens if my child fails a test? Test grades are generally final; however, exceptions can be made for special circumstances. There are no quiz re-takes. Students must do a test correction for each test that will be signed by parents.
What should my child bring every day? Interactive Scientific Notebook! Something to write with Good attitude Inquisitive mind
What about homework? Class work that is unfinished Study guides Lab reports Projects Weekly ISN reflection
What if the homework is late or not turned in? Late work is accepted with a 10% deduction in points each day it is late. If work is not turned in, students will receive a zero. No names are not accepted. Look in their student planner or on the class website to find their homework assignment.
Why is this class important? Students will learn state standards to prepare them for the CST at the end of the year. Preparation for science in high school and college. Learn to think scientifically Learn proper lab techniques and technical writing. “True learning is experience, everything else is just information” -Albert Einstein
How to contact me… CONTACT ME: kstilfield@rocklin.k12.ca.us a link is on the class website I am available to students at lunch, during advisory, or after school. Students may also contact me by email after school hours and I will try to respond by the next day.
8th grade Science Wish List Please see the class website
Enrichment Students use the enrichment period to read their AR book or to conference with teachers in their academy regarding academics.
Granite Oaks AR Mission Statement An overall goal of the Granite Oaks Middle School English Department is to get students reading for pleasure, literacy, and depth of knowledge. Research shows that students improve their reading simply by reading within their zone of proximal development. Because of the importance of reading in students’ lives, the Accelerated Reader program will account for 10% of a student’s English/Language Arts grade.
Meeting AR Goals Students reach their goals by reading during their AR period and reading at home and taking AR quizzes on books read. Once a child has read an AR book, he/she must take an online assessment at school. This may be done in a classroom or in the school library. Once a quiz is completed, points are automatically added to his/her AR record. The more difficult and lengthy a book, the more points it’s worth. .
AR Grade Mrs. Camillucci grades the AR points. Please e-mail her if you have any questions regarding AR grading. The program that tracks students’ AR points is not directly linked to the teachers’ grade books. AR grades in teachers’ grade books are updated when Progress Reports and Report Cards are sent home.
AR FAQS Does my book have an AR quiz? Always check to make sure your book has a quiz BEFORE you begin reading. Go to the GO website Click on Library Click on Find an AR quiz
AR FAQS How is my AR goal determined? It is based on your STAR test score.
AR FAQS What is the deadline to meet my AR goal? There are 4 deadlines during the school year (one at the end of each quarter)
AR FAQS How much of my grade is my AR goal? 10%
AR FAQS How can I check my progress toward my goal? Go to the GOMS website. Click on students tab Follow the directions