Food Choice: British and international cuisines. Objectives: To know the factors which influence cuisines. To know the features and characteristics of British cooking. What does cuisine mean? Cuisine is a traditional style of cooking and eating that has developed in a country or region of the world.
Knowing about different cuisines is important because: One of the food preparation tasks next year will be based on British or international cuisines – therefore it is important that you build up a good knowledge of ingredients and recipes from different countries.
British Food What are staple foods? What are the staple Foods of Britain? Meat, fish, poultry, Potatoes, flour, butter, Eggs. Many of our dishes are based on these foods.
The UK is divided into 4 countries England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland Each has its own distinctive cuisine which may be influenced by ingredients or foods produced by each region.
British modern cooking methods Stewing, boiling, roasting, griddling, baking frying, steaming, poaching. \\filestaff\users$\BeveridgeU\Una\AA Current SOW\GCSE 2016\Food Science\Cooking Methods.docx
Equipment used
Homework Bring ingredients to make Bakewell tart Wednesday – make pastry at home. Complete the British food task sheets Complete the British recipes research task. For Monday.