Recent Trends and Ways to Go. Keith Robinson: Oakey’s Funeral Service Dying Outside The Box I want to thank you and Karen for including us here today for this very important topic. Dying Outside the Box and other Ways to Go. Recent Trends and Ways to Go. Keith Robinson: Oakey’s Funeral Service
Current National Trends National Funeral Director’s Association 46% Choose Traditional Burial 48% Choose Cremation 6% Other Alternative Methods Current National Trends According to the Nations Funeral Directors Ass.
Our Local Trends Oakey’s Funeral Service 60% approx. Traditional Burial 35% approx. Cremation 5% Other Alternative Methods Our local trends are a little diffrent than the nationl trend
Traditional Services Visitation Funeral Service Grave Side Service Cemetery Plot Vault/Outer Burial Container* * May be required by the cemetery
What are the Other Options SO What Options Are there? There are many diffrent optiosn that are avaliable to famlies. I am goin gto go aover a few that we (Oakey's ) have helped familys with.
Green Burial 100% Natural No Chemical Embalming No Burial Vault Optional caskets Simple Wood or Wicker/Sea Grass - Biodegradable Burial Shrouds Everything returns to the earth “Ashes to ashes and dust to dust” Green or Natural Burial is basically going back to our roots in how we cared for our loved ones. It was not until the Civil War that preservation or embalming became expectable.
Boones Mill, VA Only Natural Cemetery in Southwest Virginia Graves Dug by Hand – Family May Assist with Closing Grave Spaces Comparable in Price to Traditional Spaces No Burial Vault Needed No Bronze Marker Needed Stone or Cedar Marker Available We are fortunate to have a Natural Cemetery in our area. Oakey's has had two of the three services there.
Cremation This is the New Trend Family to be present for cremation Many religions and cultures dictate the presence of family as well as the entire funeral party, during the cremation process The ability to say a final goodbye like a graveside service This is the new trend. The family and friends to be present throughout the cremations process.
In Space Celestis Memorial Space Flights Earth Orbit Service The uniquely compelling Earth Orbit service places the Celestis spacecraft carrying cremated remains or DNA into orbit where it remains until it re-enters the atmosphere, harmlessly vaporizing like a shooting star in final tribute. Starting at $4,995 Luna Service The Luna service places the Celestis spacecraft carrying cremated remains or DNA on the surface of our nearest neighbor — the Moon — creating a permanent memorial on a distant, but constantly viewable world. Starting at $12,500 You can shoot for the stars by taking a small amounts of your cremains and sent into space. It is expensive!
Astronaut, L. Gordon Cooper, Jr. Gene Roddenberry James “Scotty” Doohan Astronaut, L. Gordon Cooper, Jr. Some well known individuals who have been sent to space. We helped an individual go to space as well.
Burial at Sea U.S. Navy Eligible Veterans Burial at Sea is a means of final disposition of remains that is performed on United States Navy vessels. The committal ceremony is performed while the ship is deployed. Therefore, family members are not allowed to be present. The commanding officer of the ship assigned to perform the ceremony will notify the family of the date, time, and longitude and latitude once the committal service has been completed. Private Charters Taken at a minimum of 3 nautical miles from the coast* Minimum of 100 fathoms deep (six hundred feet)* *Environmental Protection Agency Code: Burial at Sea Burial at sea is not new, it has been done for as long as man has been on the water. But Navy and Private
Become Part of a Coral Reef Created Remains Mixed in Concrete to Create Artificial Reef The family can help in the casting of the reef and add personalization to their reef The Reef is placed at a selected location Overtime Coral grows and becomes a permanent reef for hundreds of marine life. You have seen how you can go in to space. But, you can also go under the sea! You can become part of a coral reef. They even can make accommodations for the family to come and help build and personalize the reef ball. We have helped several individuals with Eternal Reefs
Sorry Viking Burials Are Not Legal Few places in the United States that allow Open-air Cremations Federal Regulations: A body must be cremated 1,500 to 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit Two Hours Naval Laws, health and sanitation violations I hear it all the time “I want a Viking Funeral” They look cool on TV but they are not legal, practical, or would do the job of cremating. Average tep. Of a fire is 800 degees.
Oakey’s Cremation Tribute Center Designed to encourage those choosing cremation to be a part of the journey with their loved one. First in Southwest Virginia with these services State-of-the art cremation chamber: Uses 30% less natural gas than older models Smaller carbon footprint on our environment Oakey’s is the only funeral home to offer these services in Southwest Virginia.
What Type of Service Do You Want? Traditional Cremation Music Flowers Pictures Dress Personal Memorabilia Scripture Readings Military Honors Dove Release
Advance Planning Non-Paid or Regular Arrangements Gives your family a direction in handling your final arrangements Records your wishes and what you would like Less Stressful Pre-Paid Arrangements Guaranteed pricing for Services and Merchandise All choices have been made for your family Elevates the financial burden on your family Protected from nursing homes, creditors, and Medicaid Provides peace of mind
The Options are Limitless No Matter What You Choose Make Sure It Is In Writing!!! That way your family knows what your wishes are We are here to help But no matter what the many different funeral options are MAKE SURE THEY ARE IN WRITING We are here to help with, and will even come to your patient’s home. Thank you for having me today. If you would like a copy of my presentation please let me know and I will be happy to email this to you.