ESF Allocation ESF* TO8:Employment and Labour Mobility Support for the Unemployed 6.5 3 Northamptonshire NEET and young people Support 0.3 TO8 totals 3.3 TO9:Social Inclusion Return to Work 5.1 1.5 Northamptonshire Community Grants TO9 totals 1.8 TO10: Skills Workforce Skills Programme 11.5 3.0 Local Responsiveness Fund 0.4 Enterprise Skills Development 0.6 TO10 totals 4.1 ESF total 23.1 9.2 * ESF allocations by activity have only been determined for 2014-18.
Big Lottery - Overview £1.5M of ESF funds as an ‘opt-in’ under the Social Inclusion strand of the Programme Lottery provides hard cash match funding Focus on addressing social inclusion through skills and employment Complements DWP and SFA activity
Objectives Overcome barriers to work, by supporting the most socially excluded back to work Improve social and economic inclusion by helping those with multiple and complex needs Improve employability for the most disadvantaged through training
Calls for Applications Two ‘calls’ both to address supporting individuals back into employment Split by different client groups Both worth £1.5million each (combined ESF and BL total) Delivery over 2 years
Call One Specific Client Groups under this call to be supported to become work ready are: Troubled Families people with disabilities people with drug and alcohol dependency or those with caring responsibilities Target outputs for the total call are supporting 366 people to become work ready
Call Two Specific Client Groups under this call to be supported to become work ready are: supporting young people (especially those that are NEET or at risk of becoming NEET) people who are looked after in care or are care leavers people who are ex-offenders or supervised by the Youth Offending Team homeless people Target outputs for the total call are supporting 366 people to become work ready
Scope Tailored support measures to address barriers to employment Support to address wider barriers to employment Debt and money management Skills Addressing digital inclusion Reducing drug and alcohol dependency Access to flexible affordable childcare Access to transport Volunteering as a route into employment