Melissa Houlong Elementary School ‘Ch’ Sound Cheese Cheek Chair Chicken Chalk Melissa Houlong Elementary School
Review Stick out your tongue! Lightly put teeth on tongue In conversation say it fast (no one will see your tongue.) Lightly put teeth on tongue Easy Voiceless – just flow air Put your hand on your throat (no voice) /θ/
Beginning of word: Think Thank Thin Thick The Three
End of the word: Both Math Earth Mouth Bath Teeth
‘Ch’ Sound: Teeth together Closed to open mouth Push air Feel Use voice Try the voiced ‘ch’
‘Ch’ Sound Chop Chin Chair Chalk Chain Cheek
‘Ch’ Sound Chick Check Cherry Chance Change Cheese
‘Ch’ Sound Chicken Chocolate
Listen to Clips and Practice: Letterheads: Electric Company Mr. Thorn:
Make words Use your word strips. Write the words
Technology Game Get 3 correct and win!!
Card Game Please don’t bend or hurt the cards! Shuffle Lay face DOWN First person picks a card Reads Correct: Keep it Incorrect: Give it back
Counting Cards: Joker 25 points 1-10 King, Queens, Jacks 15 points Ace 20 points Add your points. Who won the game? Joker 25 points
Extension Activities: Find the word Worksheet
Beginning of word: Think Thank Thin Thick The Three
End of the word: Both Math Earth Mouth Bath Teeth
‘Ch’ Sound Chop Chin Chair Chalk Chain Cheek
‘Ch’ Sound Chick Check Cherry Chance Change Cheese
‘Ch’ Sound Chicken Chocolate