Von Welch vwelch@ncsa.uiuc.edu Emerging NCSA Security R&D NSF CyberSecurity Summit September 28th, 2004 Von Welch vwelch@ncsa.uiuc.edu
About this presentation Overview of a number of technologies being developed by a number of groups at NCSA Seeking to find consumers, foster communication and collaboration Purpose is to give quick overview of each project to spur interest Please contact myself or project lead/PI listed for a given project for more information Sep 27, 2004 NCSA Emerging Security R&D
NCSA Emerging Security R&D National Center for Advanced Secure Systems Research ONR-funded multi-organization security R&D center led by NCSA Partners include University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Battelle Pacific Northwest Division, InfoAssure Inc., the University of Tennessee, and the Naval Postgraduate School http://www.ncassr.org Sep 27, 2004 NCSA Emerging Security R&D
NCSA Emerging Security R&D Security R&D Projects ONR-funded Technology Research Education Commercialization Center http://www.trecc.org NSF Middleware Initiative http://www.nsf-middleware.org/ Sep 27, 2004 NCSA Emerging Security R&D
MAIDS: Mining Alarming Incidents in Data Streams Datamining applied to streams MAIDS is aimed to: Discover changes, trends and evolution characteristics in data streams Construct clusters and classification models from data streams Explore frequent patterns and similarities among data streams MAIDS is being applied to NCSA’s network flow data in order to be trained to automatically detect incidents Contact: Michael Welge welge@ncsa.uiuc.edu Sep 27, 2004 NCSA Emerging Security R&D
NCSA Emerging Security R&D SIFT Security Incident Fusion Tool (SIFT) Framework and tools for combination of flow and log data from multiple sources and coherent visualization Software available from: http://www.ncassr.org/projects/sift/ Contact: Bill Yurcik (yurcik@ncsa.uiuc.edu) Sep 27, 2004 NCSA Emerging Security R&D
NCSA Emerging Security R&D SELS: A Secure Email List Service Contact: Himanshu Khurana hkhurana@ncsa.uiuc.edu Mail List Security Confidentiality: Solution using proxy encryption techniques whereby the plaintext is not exposed at list server; instead, list server simply transforms encrypted messages Integrity and authentication: Solution using digital signatures where certificate validation is provided by list server Anti-spamming: Solution using digital signatures and HMACs where list server discards any message not sent by a valid subscriber Prototype (Java) Email client plugins for JavaMail and Eudora currently being developed Evaluating available list server software for plugin development Sep 27, 2004 NCSA Emerging Security R&D Himanshu Khurana
MyProxy: Grid Credential Management Stores Grid X.509 credentials Retrieval through SASL/PAM allows for authentication via OTP, password, Kerberos Allows bridging between authentication domains Contact: Jim Basney (jbasney@ncsa.uiuc.edu) MyProxy OTP, Krb5, Password X.509 Grid Credential Sep 27, 2004 NCSA Emerging Security R&D
Grid-Shib: Grid-Shibboleth Integration Integration of Internet2’s Shibboleth with Globus Toolkit Funded by NSF NMI program Allow for use of Shibboleth-served attributes in Grid authorization Allow leveraging of Shibboleth software and deployments to support Grids Utilizing Web Services security standards (SAML) Contact: Von Welch (vwelch@ncsa.uiuc.edu) Sep 27, 2004 NCSA Emerging Security R&D
NCSA Emerging Security R&D Other activities Software-defined radio policy enforcement Von Welch (vwelch@ncsa.uiuc.edu) Security Middleware for sensors Himanshu Khurana (hkurana@ncsa.uiuc.edu) Secure Grid Laboratory Testbed for deployment and testing Randy Butler (rbutler@ncsa.uiuc.edu) Sep 27, 2004 NCSA Emerging Security R&D
NCSA Emerging Security R&D For more information http://www.ncassr.org Or contact me for routing vwelch@ncsa.uiuc.edu Sep 27, 2004 NCSA Emerging Security R&D