The impact of technology on our lives
VIRTUAL REALITY = an interface of human and computer Virtual Simulation System : Soldiers use this system to receive special operations or counter terrorism training.
MEDICINE = a technology that heals illness Nano Capsule : Doctors can diagnose cancer as give patients injects within 24 hours. People also can be diagnosed painlessly and fast at low price. Experimental Mouse
BUILDINGS AND HOMES = construction techniques Water Discus Hotel : There are plans building Water Discus Hotel in Dubai. Tourists will be able to experience underwater restfully if the hotel is completed. Image Of The Hotel
TRANSPORTATION = to carry and transport something or someone Self-Driving Car : Recently, lots of companies are trying to invent self-driving car. It can reach the destination and park itself.
ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY = technology that helps disabled people to enjoy various activities. Music Seat : Music seat that enables deaf people can listen to music was invented. Deaf people can listen to music as feel vibrations that the music seat makes.
ROBOTS = kind of machine can work automatically. Pet Robot(AIBO) : They have similar feeling with real puppies. They want to be loved instinctually. Some people are comported by this robot.
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