Do Now Hand in Johnny article (unless you would like to present/share with the class!) Take a root word packet from my desk
Answer the following questions with the people around you… Last unit, we learned several new prefixes. How is a root word different from a prefix? Trac, tract, treat: “pull, draw” List all the words you can think of that contain this root. What does each word have to do with “pulling/drawing?” Trud, trus: “push, thrust” List all the words you can think of that contain this root. What does each word have to do with “pushing/thrusting?”
As you complete the packet… Look up the definition of each word, then ask yourself: what does this word have to do with pulling OR pushing (depending on the given root)? New, unfamiliar roots: in-, con-, ex-, pro-, re-, sub-, ob- Use the definition of each word and your own prior knowledge (“Where have I seen this prefix before?”) to guess the meaning of each prefix
Literary Analysis Due Thurs, 3/24 (last day before Spring Break!) 5 paragraph essay: introduction with thesis, three body paragraphs (each including a specific piece of evidence from the text), conclusion
Choose a literary element Choose something that interests you/seems significant to the text overall Possible choices: character, theme, point of view, setting, conflict, allusion, tone, symbolism, etc. Thesis: something you could potentially DISAGREE with (Character): In “Finding Nemo,” a fish named Marlin loses his son, Nemo. On his journey to find his son, Marlin evolves from an overprotective parent to someone who understands that allowing his child freedom is sometimes the best option, even if it may be scary. (Theme): The most important lesson that the audience learns is that no matter how you feel about your family members, they will always be the ones who are there for you when it really counts. (Point of view): By providing the audience both Marlin and Nemo’s perspectives throughout the movie, the audience is able to sympathize with both characters and truly understand where each character is coming from, rather than favoring one over the other.
(Work on this individually) Complete brainstorming sheet (due Thurs)