GAC-GNSO Joint Meeting 4 November 2016
Agenda 1 2 3 4 5 Status update on PDPs of interest to the GAC Welcome / Introductions Exchange of Views on GAC-GNSO Consultation Group 4 5 This is a stylized agenda slide for your presentation. To delete a box, if there are too many boxes, click the edge of the box, ensure the entire box is highlighted, then DELETE. To update the numbers and text, click inside the circle for the numbers or in the box for the text, revise the text. IGO/INGO and Red Cross Any Other Business Here’s a place to introduce your sixth agenda item from your talk.
1. Welcome / Introductions Breakup your presentation, divide it into sections. This is especially useful if most of your presentation is text.
2. Exchange of Views on GAC/GNSO Consultation Group Breakup your presentation, divide it into sections. This is especially useful if most of your presentation is text.
Current Status Joint GNSO – GAC initiative - Explore and enhance ways of early engagement of the GAC in relation to GNSO policy development activities. Work divided into two tracks: Day-to-day ongoing co-ordination GAC Early engagement in GNSO PDP Deliverables to date (non-exhaustive): GNSO Liaison to the GAC – A Pilot Project Implementation of PDP Issue Scoping recommendations as a pilot (‘Quick Look Mechanism’) Monthly PDP “one-pagers” highlighting next engagement opportunity Joint GAC-GNSO Leadership calls prior to ICANN meetings to prepare (this) joint session and discuss any items of common interest Final Status Report & Recommendations addressing outstanding items per the charter submitted to GAC and GNSO on 11 October
Final Status Report - Contents 1 2 3 CG Charter Goal, Objectives & Deliverables Overview of Achievements to Date Overview of Outstanding Items 4 5 This is a stylized agenda slide for your presentation. To delete a box, if there are too many boxes, click the edge of the box, ensure the entire box is highlighted, then DELETE. To update the numbers and text, click inside the circle for the numbers or in the box for the text, revise the text. Recommendations to deal with Outstanding Items Conclusion Here’s a place to introduce your sixth agenda item from your talk.
Recommendations (abbreviated version) Day-to-Day ongoing co-ordination #1a. Schedule a consultation between GAC Secretariat, the outgoing and incoming GNSO Liaison to the GAC and relevant support staff to review current information and communication methods and determine what improvements, if any, need to be made.. #1b. Further strengthen the contacts between the leadership teams of the GNSO Council and the GAC by providing for periodic conference calls and meetings where pressing issues could be debated. #2. ICANN staff is to develop a process flow, based on existing mechanisms, highlighting those that have been added as a result of the GAC-GNSO Consultation Group. This is a simpler agenda slide, the outline for your presentation.
Recommendations (abbreviated version) GAC Early engagement in GNSO PDP #3. The CG recommends to make the Quick Look Mechanism (QLM) a standard feature of the PDP, factoring in the possible simplification / generalization of the process proposed in the ‘GAC Quick Look Mechanisms Experiences to Date’ document. #4. The status of GAC early engagement in GNSO policy development is regularly reviewed and discussed as part of regular dialogue. Furthermore, PDP Working Groups are encouraged to communicate to the GAC how its input has been considered and addressed, and encourages the GAC to strengthen its participation in the later stages of the PDP. This is a simpler agenda slide, the outline for your presentation.
Recommendations (abbreviated version) GAC Early engagement in GNSO PDP #5. The GAC, the GNSO and the ICANN Board should all assess the impact of the early engagement mechanisms and determine whether a conciliation mechanism is to be developed. The CG encourages the GAC and GNSO Council to engage in dialogue, in those instances where there is an obvious difference between the proposed PDP recommendations and GAC input that has been provided. #6. The GAC and GNSO Leadership teams as well as the GNSO liaison to the GAC and the GAC Secretariat use their regular engagements as opportunities to review and discuss the status of early engagement to allow for early identification of potential issues and/or other mechanisms that could be considered This is a simpler agenda slide, the outline for your presentation.
Recommendations - General #7. GAC and GNSO Leadership teams review, as part of their regular exchanges, the status of GAC early engagement in the GNSO PDP and recommends that the GNSO Liaison to the GAC provides an annual report to the GAC and GNSO that highlights early engagement efforts to date as well as possible improvements to be considered. Based upon the review of these possible improvements by the GAC and GNSO, next steps can be determined. This is a simpler agenda slide, the outline for your presentation.
Recommendations - Conclusion #8 - Upon review and adoption of this final status report by the GAC and GNSO, the CG is dissolved. This is a simpler agenda slide, the outline for your presentation.
Next Steps & Further information GAC & GNSO to consider recommendations for adoption Further Information: Final Status Report & Recommendations: Consultation Group Wiki: Mailing List Archives: Consultation Group Charter: This is a simpler agenda slide, the outline for your presentation.
3. Status update on PDPs of interest to the GAC Breakup your presentation, divide it into sections. This is especially useful if most of your presentation is text.
GNSO PDPs in WG Phase Next-Generation Registration Directory Services to replace WHOIS IGO-INGO Access to Curative Rights Mechanisms 1 4 New gTLD Subsequent Procedures 2 2 Explain the second summary point here Summarize the three main points of your presentation here. Review of all Rights Protection Mechanisms in all gTLDs 3 Explain the third summary point here
Next-Generation RDS to replace WHOIS PDP WG Status
What has the WG accomplished so far? Approved Work Plan, including Approach to reach Consensus Key Input Summaries for Users & Purposes Data Elements Privacy Initial Possible Requirements List (in progress), incorporating Extracts from Key Inputs Early Outreach responses PDP Phase(s) Dependencies Codes and Keywords Further materials to prepare for deliberations Problem statement for this PDP WG Representative set of example use cases Registration data and directory service statement of purpose
It’s now time to start deliberations Task 12.a: Deliberate on Possible Fundamental Requirements, starting with a first pass at deliberating on requirements for these three charter questions: Users/Purposes: Who should have access to gTLD registration data and why? Data Elements: What data should be collected, stored, and disclosed? Privacy: What steps are needed to protect data and privacy?
Sessions at ICANN57 and Further Information PDP WG F2F Meeting – Thursday 3 November ( Update on WHOIS related initiatives – Saturday 5 November ( PDP WG Charter: Charter Questions and Key Inputs for each Question RDS-PDP-Phase1-FundamentalQs-SubQs-MindMap PDP WG Work Plan: Approach to consensus in deliberation of possible requirements Phase 1 Outputs:, including Draft 4: RDS PDP Initial List of Possible Requirements for gTLD registration data and directory services (Draft 5 underway) Draft Registration Data and Directory Service Statement of Purpose (work in progress)
New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP PDP WG Status Update
New gTLD Subsequent Procedures – Current Status Overarching Issues A total of 38 subjects in the WG’s charter and 6 were identified as high-level, overarching subjects. Preliminary discussions have already taken place, community input received, and deliberations taking place. 1 2 Work Track - Sub Teams 32 remaining subjects are being addressed by 4 separate sub teams. Each sub team is meeting on a bi-weekly meeting and each has a pair of co-chairs. 3 Community Input 2 The 4 Work Tracks will request input from the community for consideration during deliberations on each subject.
Timeline Next Steps Jan 2017 Jun 2017 Aug 2017 Oct 2017 Jan 2017 Jul 2018 Next Steps Send CC2 to SO/AC/SG/Cs Preliminary completion of Work Tracks Full WG agreement on recommendations from WTs Publish Initial Report for public comment Publish summary of public comment Complete Final Report To adjust the length and width of the arrow, click on the arrow, grab a corner, and lengthen or shorten, depending on your preference. To add a bubble, click on the bubble, ensure it is fully highlighted, COPY and PASTE. Then drag the bubble to your preferred placement. To delete a bubble, click on the bubble, ensuring it is highlighted and click DELETE. If you make a mistake, go to your top bar on PP and click EDIT, UNDO To Summarize This is a long-range schedule that is subject to variability, given the high number of subjects and the possibility of additional work being introduced that is directly applicable to new gTLDs. It is also subject to certain dependencies, where the PDP is expecting inputs from other efforts (e.g., CCT-RT, RPMs PDP, etc.)
PDP to Review all RPMs in all gTLDs Status Update
Review of All RPMs in All gTLDs PDP What will be reviewed in Phase One and in Phase Two? PHASE ONE: The Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) and associated RPMs: Sunrise Registrations Trademark Claims Notices The Uniform Rapid Suspension Procedure (URS) The Trademark Post-Delegation Dispute Resolution Procedure PHASE TWO: The Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) 1 2 What is the PDP timeline and expected deliverables? Phase One completion (estimated): end-2017 / early 2018 Phase Two completion (estimated): late 2019 A Phase One interim report will be published for public comment, in addition to the Final Report at the end of Phase Two 3 How will the PDP be coordinated with other parallel, related efforts? The WG is coordinating closely with the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP WG and will track the work of the Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice Review Team The WG is analyzing the report on the TMCH Independent Review Registrars, registrants, providers and the public are expected to be consulted throughout the PDP
Expected Next Steps After ICANN57: ICANN59 (Jun 2017): Complete initial review of the TM-PDDRP ICANN58 (Mar 2017): Working on Sunrise Registration services ICANN59 (Jun 2017): Completing Claims review URS review to follow ICANN60 (Oct/Nov 2017): Present Phase One preliminary recommendations End-Dec/early Jan 2018: Publish Phase One report for public comment Early 2018: Commence review of the UDRP
IGO-INGO Curative Rights Protections Policy Development Process ICANN-55 l March 2016
OVERVIEW: Project Timeline & Major Milestones Jun 2014 Mar-Oct 2014 (ICANN51) Jan-Apr 2015 Jun 2016 (ICANN56) Oct 2016 Nov 2016 (ICANN57) Publish preliminary recommendations for Public Comment (by end- 2016) Review public comments and prepare Final Report for GNSO Council consideration (est. 1Q, 2017) WG chartered by GNSO Council IGO Small Group formed comprising Board, GAC and IGO reps Correspondence with GAC and IGO coalition Review of external legal expert opinion on IGO jurisdictional immunity IGO Small Group Proposal received Presentation of preliminary recommendations To adjust the length and width of the arrow, click on the arrow, grab a corner, and lengthen or shorten, depending on your preference. To add a bubble, click on the bubble, ensure it is fully highlighted, COPY and PASTE. Then drag the bubble to your preferred placement. To delete a bubble, click on the bubble, ensuring it is highlighted and click DELETE. If you make a mistake, go to your top bar on PP and click EDIT, UNDO WHAT THIS PROJECT IS ABOUT This PDP was chartered by the GNSO Council to consider if existing curative rights processes (i.e. the Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy and the Uniform Rapid Suspension procedure) needed modifications to accommodate the needs of IGOs and INGOs and, if so, how; or if a new, narrowly-tailored dispute resolution procedure should be developed
Sessions at ICANN57 and Further Information Open Working Group meeting/community session: Monday 7 November, 0900-1030, Hall 6 (remote participation details available at Background information: ICANN57 Background Briefing Paper: (at p.6) Working Group online wiki space (with meeting transcripts, call recordings, draft documents and background materials):
GNSO PDPs in Implementation Phase Privacy & Proxy Services Accreditation Issues 1 Thick WHOIS 4 Translation & Transliteration of Internationalized Registration Data 2 2 Explain the second summary point here Summarize the three main points of your presentation here. Protection of IGO /INGO Identifiers in All gTLDs (adopted recs) 3
4. IGO/INGO and Red Cross Breakup your presentation, divide it into sections. This is especially useful if most of your presentation is text.
5. AOB Breakup your presentation, divide it into sections. This is especially useful if most of your presentation is text.