Assyrian Empire
Babylonian Empire
While still in Babylon, Daniel sees a “RAM” standing, then advancing Babylonian Empire He sees this coming from a foreign location, outside his location
Daniel then sees this fast “GOAT”, coming from the west Babylonian Empire
Daniel sees this “RAM” Babylonian Empire
And the interpretation is that it is the kingdoms of Media Persia Persian Empire
Daniel then sees this fast “GOAT” Babylonian Empire The interpretation is that the goat is Greece, and the first “single” horn is Alexander the Great
Greece conquers Persia And so it happens… Persian Empire Grecian Empire Greece conquers Persia
Daniel then sees the big horn broken and four horns take its place The interpretation is that the kingdom of Greece will break up into 4 weaker kingdoms immediately
Grecian Empire
And so that too comes to pass… Cassander Lasimachus Antigonus Ptolemy Lagi
Those four kingdoms end up warring against each other Cassander Lasimachus Antigonus Ptolemy Lagi With the two south and eastern kingdoms fighting across the Holy Land
Including Antiochus Ephinanes attacking Egypt, then the Holy Land Cassander Lasimachus SELEUCIDS PTOLEMIES
But eventually Rome conquers Greece Cassander Lasimachus Roman Empire SELEUCIDS PTOLEMIES