Patient & Occupational radiation dose management Chapter 37 & 38 RTMR 284 – Radiation Protection & Biology WINTER 2013
3 ways patient dose from diagnostic x-rays is reported: Entrance Skin Exposure (ESE) or Entrance Skin Dose (ESD) Most often reported & referred to as pt. dose , easy to measure Ave Fluoro ESE can be est. at 40 mGy/min (hard to estimate) Gonadal Dose-GSD Genetically Sig. Dose Important due to genetic responses, easy to measure Bone Marrow Dose Mean Marrow Dose is the ave radiation dose to the entire active bone marrow Important due to rad-induced leukemia, est. from ESE and cannot be directly measured.
TLD’s Thermoluminescence Dosimters are used most often to measure ESE. Response is proportional to exposure dose Very accurate to within 5% Can be used to measure all levels experienced, even low doses Not used in most occupational monitoring due to no permanent record or re-readability is provided and an immediate, on the job readout is not possible.
Pt. Dose in Special Exams Mammography: ESE ~ 800mR/view Glandular does Dg ~ 15% of ESE Adverse biological response is small Screening should be kept to two views for lower doses to pt. CT Imaging: Slices in CT produce much higher skin doses Est. 10% of x-ray exams are CT w/ 70% of dose! Dose ~ 50% of the ESE for body CT Narrow, well collimated beams reduces dose The higher the multislice value, the lower the dose
A 64 slice CT scanner will result in lower pt A 64 slice CT scanner will result in lower pt. dose than fewer slices because a lower contribution is made from the pnenumbra for the same volume tissue.
Additional pt. dose savings occur when the same beam width is imaged with combined pixel rows because the mA can be reduces without compromising resolution.
Patient Dose Reduction Unnecessary Examinations Mass screening for TB Hospital Admission Pre-Employment physicals Periodic Health Examinations ER CT Repeat Exams *** ??? Technique (kVp) Positioning Shielding-contact/shaped, shadow
Pregnant Patient Physical and Emotional land minds Time Frame 2 to 10 Talk to patients & work w/ dr. Always ask… Pt. Information Elective booking Questionnaire Posting
Pt dose trends NCRP- National Council on Radiation Protection
Occupational Dose Recommended dose limit for radiologic personal is 0.5 Sv/yr (5000 mrem/yr) NORMAL exposure in diagnostic radiology for personal should not exceed 1 mSv/yr (100 mrem/year) Effective Dose (E) = Radiation Weighting Factor (Wr) { = 1 for xray} x Tissue Weighting Factor (Wt) x Absorbed Dose Fluoroscopy Interventional Radiology Mammography CT Surgery Mobile
Radiologic SI (customary) Units Quantity Name Symbol RadioActivity Becquerel Bq (curie) (Ci) Absorbed dose Gray Gy (rad) (rad) Dose Equivalent Sievert Sv (rem) (rem) Exposure Coulumb/kg C/kg (roentgen) (R) See conversion factors on inside cover! 1R/rad/rem = 100 Si units ex. 100 mrem = 1 mSv
Dose Limits DL imply that if received annually, the risk of death would be less than 1 in 10,000 Based on Linear, non-threshold dose response Basic annual = 50 mSv or 5000 mrem Lens of eye = 150 mSv/yr or 15 rem/yr Organs/Skin/Extremities = 500 mSv/yr or 50 rem/yr Cumulative whole-body DL is 10 mSv times age in years During Pregnancy DL = 5 mSv or 500 mrem (table 38-4) After declared DL/month < 0.5 mSv or 50 mrem Public /Students <18yo DL = 1 mSv/yr or 100 mrem/year DL established for non-occupationally exposed persons is 1/10 of that established for the radiation worker
Reduction of Occupations Exp In Diag Radiology 95% of Technologists occupational dose comes from Fluoro and mobile exams. How to reduce your exposure? (x3 pg.588) Portable apron, 2m cord, beam direction Monitoring-Film Badges / TLD / OSL During fluoro exp to collar region is 20 times greater than truck of body! Protective Apparel (0.25-0.5 mm Pb eq. 66-90% attenuation at 75kVp) Position , Holding, Pregnant Tech rules, Management Principles, Education
Final Next Week Monday 1-3 pm 75 Questions Total worth 150 points MC Questions Covers: Chapter 33-38 BOOK BASED QUESTIONS !!! Chapter 33 Deterministic Effects………….19% Chapter 34 Stochastic Effects …………...13% Chapter 35 Health Physics ……………….13% Chapter 36 Rad Protection Design ………21% Chapter 37 Pt Rad Dose …………………15 % Chapter 38 Occup Rad Dose………….. 19%