Fig. 1 (A) Average current voltage relations of peak I<sub>Na</sub> in Con (n=10), nAF (n=7) and cAF (n=9) cells using protocol shown on left. (B) Average current density relations of peak I<sub>Na</sub> in Con, nAF and cAF cells. *P<0.05 nAF, cAF versus Con. (C,D) Capacitance-subtracted peak I<sub>Na</sub> in a typical Con and cAF cell. Holding potential, −100 mV. From: Density and function of inward currents in right atrial cells from chronically fibrillating canine atria Cardiovasc Res. 2002;54(2):405-415. doi:10.1016/S0008-6363(02)00279-1 Cardiovasc Res | Copyright © 2002, European Society of Cardiology
Fig. 3 (A) Currents tracings in Con (a), nAF (b), and cAF (c) cell under conditions of these experiments: Ca<sup>2+</sup> 3 mM–EGTAi 10 mM; ryanodine 2 μM; holding voltage, −70 mV to various test voltages. Arrow indicates zero current level. (B) Average peak I<sub>CaL</sub> density in Con (n=25), nAF (n=11) and cAF (n=6) cells. *P<0.05 versus Con. All data collected at same time after establishing whole cell configuration (Con, 15.0±0.5 min; nAF, 16.5±0.7 min; and cAF, 17.5±0.8 min P>0.05). (C) Average first and second time constants (τ<sub>1</sub> and τ<sub>2</sub>) of decay of peak I<sub>CaL</sub> in all cells of the three groups. A<sub>1</sub>/A<sub>total</sub> were 0.75±0.02, 0.79±0.03, 0.76±0.04 in Con, nAF and cAF cells, respectively (P>0.05). Inset shows first 150 ms of tracings from Con, nAF and cAF cells, each normalized to peak and superimposed to illustrate time course of peak current decay. From: Density and function of inward currents in right atrial cells from chronically fibrillating canine atria Cardiovasc Res. 2002;54(2):405-415. doi:10.1016/S0008-6363(02)00279-1 Cardiovasc Res | Copyright © 2002, European Society of Cardiology
Fig. 6 (A) The fraction of current remaining at the end of the clamp step (I<sub>250</sub>) normalized to the peak current (I<sub>max</sub>) for peak Ba<sup>2+</sup> currents in the three different groups. Height of bar denotes average I<sub>250</sub> normalized to I<sub>max</sub>. I<sub>250</sub>/I<sub>max</sub> is significantly less in cAF group when compared to either Con or nAF values suggesting that Ba<sup>2+</sup> current decay is accelerated in cAF cells (see Fig. 5C). (B) The average I<sub>250</sub>/I<sub>max</sub> for several test voltages (V<sub>t</sub>) under these same recording conditions for cells in each group. P<0.05 cAF versus Con curve. From: Density and function of inward currents in right atrial cells from chronically fibrillating canine atria Cardiovasc Res. 2002;54(2):405-415. doi:10.1016/S0008-6363(02)00279-1 Cardiovasc Res | Copyright © 2002, European Society of Cardiology
Fig. 5 (A) Currents tracings in Con (a), nAF (b), and cAF (c) cell under conditions of these experiments; Ba<sup>2+</sup> 3 mM/BAPTAi 10 mM; ryanodine, holding voltage, −70 mV to various test voltages. Arrow indicates zero current. (B) Average peak I<sub>BaL</sub> density voltage relations in Con (n=16), nAF (n=5) and cAF (n=12) cells. Data were all obtained at same time after establishing whole cell configuration (Con, 18.53±0.58 min, nAF, 19.8±1.2 min and cAF 17.9±0.5 min). Note that Con and nAF have comparable peak I<sub>BaL</sub> densities under Ba<sup>2+</sup>/BAPTA conditions while cAF density remains different from Con and nAF. *P<0.05 cAF versus Con, nAF. (C) Typical Con, nAF and cAF peak I<sub>BaL</sub> tracings under Ba<sup>2+</sup>/BAPTA conditions. Each has been normalized and superimposed to emphasize the differences in current decay between cells from the different groups. Note that the small Ba<sup>2+</sup> currents of cAF cells decay more completely during the step depolarization. In (D) the bar graph illustrates the average time for peak current decay to T<sub>0.8max</sub>, T<sub>0.7max</sub>, T<sub>0.6max</sub>, for cells in each group. *P<0.05 Con versus cAF, **P<0.05 nAF versus cAF. Note one Con cell never decayed to 0.6 max during the step depolarization and therefore its value was not included in average at T<sub>0.6max</sub>. From: Density and function of inward currents in right atrial cells from chronically fibrillating canine atria Cardiovasc Res. 2002;54(2):405-415. doi:10.1016/S0008-6363(02)00279-1 Cardiovasc Res | Copyright © 2002, European Society of Cardiology
Fig. 2 Time course of recovery from inactivation of I<sub>Na</sub> using the protocol shown in inset (B). (A) Recovery for cells in Con, nAF and cAF. I<sub>Na</sub> at a certain interpulse interval (IPI) is normalized to I<sub>max</sub> (at IPI=3000 ms) and plotted against IPI. (B) Average recovery curves for all groups for short IPIs. Note the slow recovery at short IPIs in both nAF and cAF cells. *P<0.05 Con versus nAF or Con versus cAF. From: Density and function of inward currents in right atrial cells from chronically fibrillating canine atria Cardiovasc Res. 2002;54(2):405-415. doi:10.1016/S0008-6363(02)00279-1 Cardiovasc Res | Copyright © 2002, European Society of Cardiology
Fig. 4 (A) Currents tracings in Con (a), nAF (b), and cAF (c) cell under conditions of these experiments; Ba<sup>2+</sup> 3 mM–EGTAi 10 mM, ryanodine 2 μM; holding voltage, −70 mV to various test voltages. Arrow indicates zero current. (B) Inset shows peak I<sub>BaL</sub> tracings during step depolarization in a Con, nAF and cAF cell each normalized to peak and superimposed to illustrate differences in current decay in cells of each group. Bar graph illustrates the average time for current decay to 80, 70, 60 and 50% maximum (T<sub>0.8max</sub>, T<sub>0.7max</sub>, T<sub>0.6max</sub>, T<sub>0.5max</sub>, respectively) for Con (n=6), nAF (n=5), cAF(n=7). There were no significant differences among groups. (C) Fraction of Ba<sup>2+</sup> current remaining at I<sub>250</sub> normalized to I<sub>max</sub> current for cells of the three groups. Height of bar denotes average value for each of three groups. There was no significant difference in I<sub>250</sub>/I<sub>max</sub> of peak currents under these recording conditions even though peak current densities differed. From: Density and function of inward currents in right atrial cells from chronically fibrillating canine atria Cardiovasc Res. 2002;54(2):405-415. doi:10.1016/S0008-6363(02)00279-1 Cardiovasc Res | Copyright © 2002, European Society of Cardiology