Classification of Bones and Joints REVIEW
ACTIVE Bone tissue is very ______material that is continually being broken down and re-constructed
Joint Classification Ellipsoid/Condyloid ROM Flexion Extension Adduction Abduction Circumduction Metacarpophalangeal Joints Metatarsophalangeal Joints
Skull Boney framework of the head. The bones that make up the cranium and face
Joint Classification Ball & Socket Shoulder & Hip ROM Flexion Extension Abduction Adduction Rotation Circumduction Shoulder & Hip
Axial Skeleton Supports and protects the organs of the head neck and thorax Consists of the skull, spinal column, sternum, ribs
Bone Classification Flat Bones
Articulate/Articulation To unite by forming a joint/joints
Facet Small, smooth, flat surface on a bone
Bone Classification Irregular Bones
Foramen A natural opening, especially through a bone
Process A projection away from the main part of the bone
Joint Classification Immovable Joints
Appendicular Skeleton Skeleton that includes the shoulder, pelvis, upper & lower limbs
Freely Moveable Joints AKA?? 3 Factors that make-up a FMJ Covered with Hyaline cartilage Surrounded by synovial capsule Synovial fluid
Fossa A depression in a bone
Spongy Bone (Cancellous Bone) Compact Bone
Condyle large, rounded bump, rounded articular projection
Epi above
Hinge Joint Classification ROM Flexion Extension Elbow, Knee & Interphalangeal Joints
Meta Beyond
Slightly Moveable Joints Joint Classification Slightly Moveable Joints Except??
Inter Between or among
Supra Superior or above
Gliding Joint Classification ROM Gliding (sliding) Twisting Carpals & Tarsals Gliding
Infra Inferior to or below
Joint Classification ROM Rotation Radioulnar & Atlas/Axis Pivot
Tubercle Small size bump on a bone
Saddle Joint Classification ROM Flexion Extension Adduction Abduction Circumduction 1st Carpometacarpal Joint (CM) Saddle
Tuberosity Medium size bump on a bone
Bone Classification Short Bones
Trochanter Large size bump on a bone
Bone Classification Long Bones
Ligament Connect bone to bone Fibrous connective tissue
Range of Motion (ROM) Measurable degrees of anatomical movement at a particular joint
Metabolism Chemical reactions that occur in living organisms to maintain life
Bone Classification Sesamoid Bones
Bone Marrow Flexible tissue found in the hollow interior of bones
Functions of the Skeletal System Support Protect Movement Supply
Anatomy-Skeletal System Classification of Bones-Long Bones Diaphysis Epiphysis Epiphysis Spongy Bone Spongy Bone Articular Cartilage Medullary Cavity Compact Bone Epiphyseal Plate