The Cold War Winds Down
Easing the Cold War Nixon’s Foreign Policy - Nixon hoped to build a peaceful more stable world by reaching out to the Soviet Union and China.
Détente Détente – attempts at relaxing or easing international tension. Balance of Power – The distribution of power among nations so that no one nation was all powerful.
China p882 In an effort to bridge the gap between nations, Nixon and his wife Pat, made a visit to Beijing, china.
Soviet Union p993 Nixon follows up his trip to China by going to Moscow, the Soviet capitol. There, he signed SALT 1, the 1st treaty to limit certain types of nuclear missiles.
Arab-Israeli Tensions Since the founding of Israel in 1948, the U.S. has supported Israel against her Arab neighbors. After the “Six Day War” in 1967, Israel was in control of territory inhabited by Palestinians. Palestinians began to demand their own homeland. p883
Israel and Palestine 7 min
Yom Kipper War Syria attacked Israel October 1973 to regain territory lost in the 6 days war. The Soviets backed Syria, the U.S. backed Israel. Israel accepted a “cease-fire” but the Arabs retaliated with and oil embargo (a ban on shipments). Gas prices skyrocketed. p884
The Energy Crisis OPEC – Organization of Oil Producing Countries In 1973 OPEC stopped shipping oil to the U.S. (they also jacked up the price). Emergency measures were imposed (lowered the speed limits on highways to 55mph) and a pipeline to oil reserves in Alaska was begun. p888
The Watergate Crisis (begins) In 1972, Nixon’s reelection committee wanted info about the Democrat ‘s campaign plans. A security guard found that 5 “plumbers” had broken into the Democrat campaign headquarters at the Watergate office complex. The White House denied involvement. p889
A Third Rate Burglary Minute and half
A Scandal Unravels Nixon fires staff members and vows not to “whitewash” the facts. Nixon is accused of directing a “cover-up”. Senate investigators demand Nixon turn over “the tapes”, Nixon refuses claiming Executive Privilege -Presidential right to resist a search warrant.
The Crisis Deepens After refusing to release “the tapes”, Congress drew up three articles of Impeachment (being accused of “high crimes and misdemeanors). Once he turned them over, it was revealed that Nixon had ordered a cover-up of the Watergate break in. p890
The Secret Tapes 3 min
Nixon Resigns Nixon did not want to be impeached, so he resigned. His Vice President, Gerald Ford, became President. p891
1976 saw the election of Jimmy Carter, a Georgia Peanut farmer. After Watergate 1976 saw the election of Jimmy Carter, a Georgia Peanut farmer. p899
The Middle East Carter wanted to bring peace to the Middle East. He invited leaders from Egypt and Israel to Camp David where the “Camp David Accords” were signed. It was the first time Israel and an Arab nation signed a peace treaty. p899
Crisis in Iran P900 shah in exile in Switzerland In 1979, Islamic Fundamentalists (people who believe in strict obedience to religious laws) ousted the “Shah” and took over.
Crisis in Iran (2) Later that year, Iranian students stormed the U.S. Embassy and took 52 American hostage. The hostages were released a year later, after Ronald Reagan took office. p900
The Iran Contra Affair p908 A scandal arose involving the selling of weapons to Iran (secretly) in return for help with freeing American hostages in Lebanon.
The Iran Contra Affair (2) Officials (Oliver North) from the Whitehouse Security Council used the profits to help the “Contras” who were trying to overthrow the government in Nicaragua.
Iran Contra 11min
Reagan’s Second Term Glasnost – the opening of Soviet Society to new ideas. Mikhail Gorbachev, General Secretary (leader) of the Soviet Union, moved away from government’s near total control and allowed some democracy. Perestroika – the new Soviet policy opening up Russia to make great changes.
Election of 1988 p910 George Bush is elected.
Achieving Arms Cuts p911 Gorbachev wanted to end the “Arms Race” so he can use money for reforms he wanted to start in the Soviet Union.
Unrest in the Soviet Union p911 Thousands of Soviets marched and expressed dissatisfaction. In 1990 they demanded an end to Communism. Satellite republics began to demand their independence.
The Wall Comes Tumbling Down P912, then read the page 917 The Communist government opened the Berlin wall on 11/9/89. In 1990, East Germany voted to reunify East and West Germany.
Collapse of the Soviet Union Communist hardliners staged a coup (military takeover) and took Gorbachev hostage. The coup collapsed and soon all 15 Soviet satellites had declared independence from the soviet Union. p912
Berlin Wall 6 min
China p913 In May 1989, students and workers held demonstrations calling for more democracy. The Chinese government met the demonstrators with force killing thousands in Tiananmen Square in Beijing.
The Persian Gulf War Saddam Hussein, Iraq’s dictator, invaded Kuwait. The U.N. gave a deadline to Hussein to withdraw.
Operation Desert Shield 2 ½ min
Operation Desert Storm For 6 ½ weeks, Allied forces bombed Iraqi positions. Then the ground forces attacked. The attack was halted at 100 hrs and Iraq withdrew their forces.
Operation Desert Storm 6 ½ min
The 1992 Election Democrat - Bill Clinton Republican – George Bush Third party candidate – H. Ross Perot
Clinton’s Agenda Budget Deficit Government spends more than it brings in. Clinton cut government spending, increased taxes on the wealthiest Americans, and gave tax cuts to the poor. p919
Clinton’s Troubles Clinton comes under fire for sexual escapades with Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky. He is impeached for Perjury and obstruction of justice. He is acquitted.