Good Morning! The Pacific Northwest Association of Rails Shippers, aka PNWARS, is one of five regional associations under the umbrella of North American Rail Shippers, or NARS.
PNWARS Two seminars per year. Generally alternating between Portland, OR in the spring and Seattle, WA in the fall. We have two seminars per year. The spring meeting is in Portland and the fall meeting is usually in Seattle. The one day seminars have a theme appropriate to current transportation trends and provide up to date and timely education for the transportation and shipping industry. Topics at the regional meetings tend to be geared toward industries that are predominant in the area. Class I Carrier presentations are broad based, but shipper and regional carrier panels are more focused. PNWARS topics have tended to revolve around forest products, ag, and steel, for example, while SWARS is chemicals and petroleum.
“What We Need to Know” 3/10/16 Key Note Address – Doug MacDonald – CN “What Shippers need from Carriers” – shipper panel “What Customers need to know about their Railroads” – Brad Thrasher, VP & GM – Industrial Products UPRR “Railroad Sales – The Link Between Railroads and their Customers” – Kari Kirchhoefer, AVP – Industrial Products UPRR Economic Presentation – Tony Hatch, ABH Consulting Our most recent meeting was themed “What We Need to Know”. The title evolved from the thought that many times we don’t know what we need to know to help us be successful in working with the carriers. Our keynote speaker was Doug MacDonald from Canadian National. We followed that with a shipper panel and two speakers from Union Pacific. Summer Bartczak, American Truck and Rail Audits, presented “Freight Cost Complexities – The Price of Not Knowing”. We also try to have some kind of economic update. We usually hear from an economist, but this time Transportation Analyst, Tony Hatch, ABH Consulting, was our presenter. No matter the speaker, this is a popular segment. And we will have a legislative update, as warranted. We try to allow plenty of time for networking; which is another reason many of us attend. Other meeting themes have been: The Unique Northwest Shipper Growth: Are Opportunities and Infrastructure Aligned Energy: Will it Change the NW Transportation Landscape?
“Keep on Track” 9/14/16 Dave Garin – BNSF Shipper Panel – Hampton Lumber and Vestas confirmed. We are working on the fall meeting, which will be September 13-14 in Seattle. The theme, Keep on Track, will be an extension of the spring meeting. Dave Garin from BNSF will speak. We are working on a shipper panel and other speakers.
Scholarships Must be sponsored by a member of PNWARS Do not have to be studying transport- tation, but it helps PNWARS has a Scholarship Program Applicants can be undergrads or in grad school They must be sponsored by a member of PNWARS. To be a member, you need to attend the meetings; here are no dues. There is not a requirement to be studying transportation, but it helps.
Pacific Northwest, Midwest 5 Regions Pacific Northwest, Midwest Northeast, Southeast Southwest I know there are people here from all over the country, so I thought I’d show you the other regions. Each of these regions holds two meetings annually. Individuals may belong to more than one regional group and attend any regional meeting. More information about PNWARS, the other regions, and NARS can be found at
2016 Annual Meeting 5/24-26/16 Mike Ward – AAR Chairman, CSX Chairman & CEO Lance Fritz – Chairman, President, & CEO Union Pacific Shipper perspective from Ward Nye, President and CEO Martin Marietta The NARS annual meeting will take place in a couple of weeks in Arlington, VA. We will hear from Mike Ward – CSX Chairman & CEO, he is also serving at Chairman of the AAR this year. Lance Fritz, Chairman , President, and CEO of Union Pacific will also speak. Ward Nye, President and CEO of Martin Marietta will present a shipper perspective. Legislative and Economic Updates are also on the agenda.
PNWARS 2016 Fall Meeting September 13-14, 2016 Cedarbrook Lodge 18525 36th Ave South Seatac, WA 98188 Gary Brown Executive Director 1980 Willamette Falls Drive, #120-282 West Linn, OR 97068 (T) 503-656-4282 For the next meeting, September 13 & 14 in Seattle, we will be at the Cedarbrook Lodge, right by SeaTac. Our Executive Director is Gary Brown. Questions?