NHS Safety Thermometer Summary of Trust Wide Results October 2014 Joanna Logan Professional Development
Harm Free Care = 95.16% (Above the target of 95% ) Key Headlines Harm Free Care = 95.16% (Above the target of 95% ) Types of Harm (compared to last month) All Pressure Ulcers (PUs) n= 27 (No Change) New PUs n= 3 (↑ 2 cases) All Falls n= 9 (↓ 1 case) / Falls with Harm n= 2 cases (No change ) Catheters and UTIs n= 7 cases (↓ 9 cases) Catheters and New UTIs n= 1 cases (↑ 1 case) VTE Risk Assessment completed or not applicable = 87.52%% (↑1.69) VTE Prophylaxis given or not applicable = 85.1% (↑ 2.45%) New VTE’s n= 1 (No change) (diagnosed on admission) Month Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun 14 Jul14 Aug14 Sept 14 Oct 14 No. Surveys 766 791 883 801 831 782 829 784 777 762 755 785 No. Harm Free 716 746 843 758 726 771 728 706 712 747 % Harm Free 93.47% 94.31% 95.47% 94.63% 95.19% 92.84% 93.06% 92.86% 95.88% 92.55% 94.30% 95.16%
Dashboard % per month for all areas
Dashboard Number of cases per month for all areas
1a.Harm Free % per month for all areas
1b.Harm Free Number of cases per month for all areas
2a.Types of Harm % per month for all areas
2b.Types of Harm Number of cases per month for all areas
3a.Pressure Ulcers - All % of cases per month for all areas
3b.Pressure Ulcers - All Number of cases per month for all areas
3c.Pressure Ulcers – New & Old Number of cases per month for all areas (CQUIN-reducing prevalence of new PUs)
3d.Pressure Ulcers – New & Old % of cases per month for all areas (CQUIN-reducing prevalence of new PUs)
4a.Falls -All Number of cases per month for all areas
4b.Falls with Harm Number of cases per month for all areas
5a.Catheters and UTIs Number of cases per month for all areas
5a.Catheters and New UTIs Number of cases per month for all areas
6a. VTE Risk Assessment Number of cases per month for all areas
6b. VTE Prophylaxis % of patient’s per month for all areas
6d. All VTE’s % of patient’s per month for all areas
6e. New VTE’s % of patient’s per month for all areas
Further Information Please visit the following link: \\whits\data\SHARED\Acute\ClinicalGovernance\NEW Clinical Audit\Nursing Care Audits\NHS Safety Thermometer or contact: Sonya.Murray@worcsacute.nhs.uk Joanna.Logan@worcsacute.nhs.uk