IMPACT SAMR Cover Sheet Teacher: Walter J. Champagne Louisiana Science Inquiry Standard (include description): TSW use technology when appropriate to enhance laboratory investigations and presentations of findings. (SI-H-A3) TSW be able to write a testable question or hypothesis when given a topic. (SI-H-A1) Task Overview Learning Objective(s) Suggested Technology Regular chemistry students identify unknowns of an experiment from a video and post their opinions of the identifications on a Blackboard discussion board. TSW use technology when appropriate to enhance laboratory investigations and presentations of findings. (SI-H-A3) Internet-connected device Blackboard Advanced Chemistry student videos (created in M task) Advanced chemistry students design and perform an experiment and post a video of it on Blackboard. TSW use technology when appropriate to enhance laboratory investigations and presentations of findings. (SI-H_A3) Video creation device Internet-connected devices Complete a game on the Quizizz website. Multiple internet-connected devices Quizizz website Use Phet website to interact with a Density simulation. pHET website REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. transformation MODIFICATION Technology allows for significant task redesign.. AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. enhancement SUBSTITUTION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with no real change.
Technology acts a direct substitute, with no functional improvement Density Lesson Use Phet website to interact with a Density simulation. SUBSTITUTION Technology acts a direct substitute, with no functional improvement This task uses: Go to this PhET simulation: Interact with the simulation and experiment with each of the different materials: Styrofoam, wood, brick, aluminum, and ice. Take notes of your findings on paper to turn in for a grade. An internet-connected device The PhET website. Learning Objective(s): TSW use technology when appropriate to enhance laboratory investigations and presentations of findings. (SI-H-A3) TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/email: Walter J. Champagne / School: Barbe High Louisiana State Standard: SI-H-A3 Grade Level/Subject: 10-12 Chemistry Special Directions/Considerations: Activity Evaluation: Prerequisites for students:
Atoms and Periodic Table Lesson Complete a game on the Quizizz website. AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. Go to the Quizizz website ( and enter the game code provided by the teacher. Enter an appropriate nickname. Do not use your real name. Answer the questions as they come up. This task uses: Internet-connected device Quizizz website Learning Objective(s): TSW use technology when appropriate to enhance laboratory investigations and presentations. (SI-H-A3) TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/email: Walter J. Champagne/ School: Barbe High Louisiana State Standard: SI-H-A3 Grade Level/Subject: 10-12/Chemistry Special Directions/Considerations: use this quizizz: – teachers will need to set the quizizz up as a homework assessment to get the proper game code to enable users to work at their own pace Activity Evaluation: Prerequisites for students:
Design, Perform, and Video Experiment Advanced chemistry students design and perform an experiment and post a video of it on Blackboard. MODIFICATION Technology allows for significant task redesign. Review these lab examples: Design an experiment to identify unknown metal samples using a Bunsen burner similar, but not identical to those found in the examples. Once approved, complete the experiment and video the process, not revealing your own conclusions for the metals being identified. Post the completed videos to the Blackboard discussion board provided. Once regular chemistry students have the chance to review and post their replies, go back to the discussion board and let them know if their responses are correct or not. This task uses: Internet-connected device Blackboard Video-capable device Learning Objective(s): TSW be able to write a testable question or hypothesis when given a topic (SI-H-A1) TSW use technology when appropriate to enhance laboratory investigations and presentations of findings (SI-H-A3) TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/email: Walter J. Champagne/ School: Barbe High Louisiana State Standard: SI-H-A1, SI-H-A3 Grade Level/Subject: 10-12/Chemistry Special Directions/Considerations: teachers need to set up a Blackboard discussion board for this project prior to the experiment Activity Evaluation: Prerequisites for students:
Identify Unknowns on Experiment Video Regular chemistry students identify unknowns of an experiment from a video and post their opinions of the identifications on a Blackboard discussion board. REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. Log into Blackboard and go to the Unknown Metals Lab Video discussion board. Watch each of the videos and identify what the unknown metals are that are being tested. Post your response as a reply to the video. This task uses: -Internet-connected device -Blackboard -Videos created by advanced chemistry students from the M task Learning Objective(s): TSW use technology when appropriate to enhance laboratory investigations and presentations of findings (SI-H-A3) TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/email: Walter J. Champagne/ School: Barbe High Louisiana State Standard: SI-H-A3 Grade Level/Subject: 10-12/Chemistry Special Directions/Considerations: the content of this task is created by advanced chemistry students in the M task card Activity Evaluation: Prerequisites for students: