America Moves Toward War What causes the US to enter WWII?
US Remains Neutral 1. Most Americans are anti-war, due to Nye Report that discussed problems of WW I 2. FDR pushes isolationism w/ Good Neighbor Policy in Latin Am 3. US signs Kellogg-Briand pact saying it won’t make war our national policy 4. Congress passes Neutrality Acts – no sale of weapons or loans to countries at war But FDR orders manufacture of weapons, selling weapons to China (no formal war) and cash & carry program
Neutral or Arsenal of Democracy? Despite official neutrality, FDR & Congress begin preparing for war (shouldn’t US help defend democracy?) I. Cash-and-Carry, 1939: warring nations could buy US weapons but must pay cash & transport weapons II. FDR’s Four Freedoms Speech, 1941: 1. Freedom of Speech 2. Freedom of worship 3. Freedom from want 4. Freedom from fear III. Lend-Lease Act ,1941: lend or lease weapons & supplies to “any country whose defense was vital to the U.S.” IV. Atlantic Charter ,1941: FDR & Churchill meet to discuss post-war Europe
Far East Relations Break Timeline 1931: Japan attacked Chinese Manchuria US would not recognize new Japanese territories 1937: Japanese “Rape of Nanking (China)” 300,000 Chinese murdered (genocide) - still no immediate US action early 1940s: US more aggressive approach toward Japan - froze Japanese assets - restrict trade of oil - supplied China war materials to resist
Leading to Pearl Harbor late-1941: negotiations with Japan ended “Magic” (decoding device) intercepted Japanese radio transmission ending diplomacy on 11/25/1941 prepared for Japanese attack (but where?) Japanese goals for attack: - capture US island holdings - cripple US Pacific Fleet before retaliation - force recognition of new order in East Asia * not to conquer US or force abandonment of Hawaii
Attack on Pearl Harbor 12/7/1941 “day of infamy” bombing of Pearl Harbor - almost 3,000 Americans killed - 6 battleships destroyed or unseaworthy - most ground planes severely damaged public blindsided (newspaper focus had been on Europe) next day Congress approved FDR’s war declaration - only one dissenting vote two decades of isolationism ended