A Local Arts Agency (LAA) promotes, supports, and develops the Arts at the local level to strengthen the daily fabric of community living. What do Partnerships like MoCo do? (See screen) MoCo’s goal is to leverage the economic might inherent in the arts for the good of the entire community, the Central Jersey Shore, Monmouth County. MoCo does not make art. Its artistic vision is to build and help support a mighty cultural economic engine here in Monmouth County..for your towns...to create jobs, broaden the tax base, strengthen the infrastructure, encourage businesses of all kinds...art, sure, but also tourism, entertainment, retail, restaurants, hotels, motels and on and on. Source 2012
To Make the Jersey Shore A Cultural Destination of Choice Our Mission...is to make the Central Jersey Shore a Cultural Destination of Choice. MoCo is not a committee, board, council, not any kind of rule making body MoCo is a Partnership...what the National Endowment for the Arts and others call a Local Arts Agency. Our Mission: To Make the Jersey Shore A Cultural Destination of Choice
Monmouth County Arts Scene 2014 2,080 Arts-Related Businesses in Monmouth County Employing 5,803 People Arts-Related Businesses Colored dots colors represent different arts related businesses Together they have huge impact (CLICK) on economy more the 22 hundred arts related businesses...employing more then 61 hundred people Museums/Collections Performing Arts Visual/Photography Film, Radio, TV Design/Publishing Art Schools/Services
Weaving Networks Leverage the Economic Power of the Arts For the Good the Entire Community Arts What do Partnerships like MoCo do? (See screen) MoCo’s goal is to leverage the economic might inherent in the arts for the good of the entire community, the Central Jersey Shore, Monmouth County. MoCo does not make art. Its artistic vision is to build and help support a mighty cultural economic engine here in Monmouth County..for your towns...to create jobs, broaden the tax base, strengthen the infrastructure, encourage businesses of all kinds...art, sure, but also tourism, entertainment, retail, restaurants, hotels, motels and on and on. Cultural Help Create Jobs Tourism Help Improve Neighborhoods Business Help Strengthen Quality of Life Local Government Transportation Local Government
Advancing Dialogue Naysayers at the Beginning That’s what called Partnership. To succeed we need many, many partners...and not just in the Arts. We need you, we need Mayors, town councils, tourism officials, business groups, civic organizations. It is how this concept, this vision has been so successful elsewhere. 90%. We, happily, already far ahead of that number. (NEXT) “This will never work. People are too territorial.”
That’s what called Partnership. To succeed we need many, many partners That’s what called Partnership. To succeed we need many, many partners...and not just in the Arts. We need you, we need Mayors, town councils, tourism officials, business groups, civic organizations. It is how this concept, this vision has been so successful elsewhere. 90%. We, happily, already far ahead of that number. (NEXT) 96 % of Local Arts Agencies maintain at least one collaboration or partnership with public or community agencies Source 2012
The MoCo Partners...So Far Monmouth Cares Monmouth Arts Monmouth County Library System Monmouth County Office of Economic Development Monmouth County Office Division of Planning Monmouth County Office of Tourism Monmouth Museum Monmouth University Musical Heritage Foundation Mrittika Center for Language and Heritage Newark Boys Chorus School Pacific Encore Performances New Jersey Repertory Company New Jersey Transit Premier Theater Company Red Bank Visitors Center ReVision Theater Roots UP Systems Shore Institute of the Contemporary Arts The Showroom The Two River Theater Company Town of Interlaken Visions Photographic Workshops Windows on the Water Abramowitz Fine Arts Algonquin Arts Theater Asbury Park Department of Commerce Atlantic Highlands Arts Council Axelrod Performing Arts Center Brookdale Community College Beauregard Fine Art Belmar Arts Council Belmar Tourism Count Basie Theater Creative New Jersey Dance Plus Exhibit No. 9 Garden State Film Festival Garden State Players Horizons Student Enrichment Program Jazz Arts Project Jersey Shore Convention and Visitors Bureau Jersey Shore Jazz and Blues Foundation Main Avenue Galleria McKay Imaging Middletown Arts Center Middletown Community Development Molly Pitcher & Oyster Point Hotels We already have dozens of partners. Organizations and businesses that have climbed onboard and are helping us to plan and develop MoCo into an effective working Partnership. We have only just begun. This is a snapshot of a powerful economic system up here.
MoCo Corridor Annual Non-Profit Expenses $24,000,000 800 Full Time Jobs $979,000 Local Revenue $1.3 Million State Revenue 2012
MoCo “…New Jersey’s model and a beacon for creative placemaking 52nd Session of the UN Commission for Social Development 2014 MoCo “…New Jersey’s model and a beacon for creative placemaking planning, intervention and sustainable development.” “…a great example of a regional collaborative.”
Creating Ideas Taking Hold What’s Different Now?
Center for Creative Placemaking A Study of MoCo Center for Creative Placemaking Bloomfield College
A Study of MoCo Bloomfield College Center for Creative Placemaking There is a greater awareness of the Arts community and a better understanding of how the Arts equate to economic development. . There is more unity amongst Art providers. Before, it was more splintered.
Continue to provide technical and professional support as a member of the MoCo Partnership and to expand the concept of the Moco Arts Corridor to areas of western Monmouth County
Challenges Ahead Spreading the Word Continue Building Community Support and Understanding for the Value of the Arts