Meet Mr. Abu-Rus Oakman Elementary 08-29-16
ADMINISTRATORS Mahmoud Abu-Rus - Principal Mirvat Sabbagh– Administrative Intern
A Little Background Started in Dearborn in 1991 as a security guard Worked as a paraprofessional, teacher, resource teacher, assistant principal and principal. Served our community at Salina, Becker, William Ford, Maples and Miller Enjoy sports and always cheering for home teams Enjoy drinking coffee
My Family I have a big family- 5 sisters, 1 brother and 22 nieces and nephews My wife Susanne and my sister Iman are teachers in Dearborn. My sister in law works at ASC.
My Family
Purpose of Our Meeting Today Get acquainted with the principal Talk about expectations Learn about, sign-up, & become an active member of the PTA 7
Students are central to the educational process! Teachers Administrator STUDENTS Parents Students are central to the educational process! 8
EXPECTATIONS Administrator Teacher Parent Student 9
Review and evaluate policies, practices, & programs Administrator Expectations Be Responsible Review and evaluate policies, practices, & programs Create and maintain a positive culture that promotes high academic achievement Establish and support successful relationships between staff, students and parents. Set clear/high expectations for ALL 10
Be Reliable Be Respectful Administrator Expectations Be Reliable Shared decision making Support all stakeholders Provide feedback Be consistent Be visible Be Respectful Establish open lines of communication Be approachable (open door policy, email, blog, phone) Have a sense of humor Follow Professional Learning Community (PLC) norms 11
Be Responsible Be Reliable Teacher Expectations Be Responsible Differentiate instruction Integrate literacy strategies across curriculum Maintain instructional / academic focus Engage students in higher level thinking Provide for the whole child Be Reliable Communicate with parents regularly Implement school Improvement plan initiatives with fidelity Actively participate in the PLC process Continue to learn & grow Fidelity - loyalty, consistency 12
Be Respectful Establish positive relationships Teacher Expectations Be Respectful Establish positive relationships Develop a student-centered classroom Support and collaborate with stakeholders Have fun! 13
Communicate with teachers & administration Parent Expectations Get involved with PTA Communicate with teachers & administration Check your son/daughter’s school communication Ensure your son/daughter reads at home Provide him/her with a workspace Ask your son/daughter about his/her day Volunteer 14
Responsible Reliable Respectful Following school rules Being ready Student Expectations Responsible Following school rules Being ready Being on time to class Reliable Demonstrating core values Establish and pursue goals Respectful Treat others the way you would like to be treated. (Golden Rule) Practice the Core Values
Lines of Communication Telephone: (313) 827-6500 School website: Parent Liaison: Mrs. Dakroub Coffee with the principal Parent conferences PTA meetings 16
Parent Teacher Home Visit
Coffee With The Principal September 30th - 9:00 a.m. This will be a regular event.
PTA Contributions to the school Membership drive Parent workshops Shoparoo President:Batoul Hammoud Executive Board: Amged, Roula, Mahera First Meeting:TBD 19
Essential Points We are a school committed to high academic achievement We have a strong and active PTA Our instructional programs are based on best practices Our teachers, faculty and staff are highly qualified and certainly among the highest level of professionals
Essential Points Our commitment to student learning is not only a priority, but second only to student safety. Oakman is a safe, nurturing environment with rigorous academic expectations. We strive to seek continuous improvement. We expect you to hold us accountable. 21
“Alone we can do so little; Together we can do so much!” Helen Keller
Questions? Take questions from parents. Have them describe areas in which they would like to see their child improve. Have them describe their child's personality, interests, and talents.
THANK YOU! Looking forward to a great and productive year! It starts on September 6th.