Supplemental Insurance Protection Premiere Vision Vision Insurance Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Policy Form CH-26120-IP (1/12), or its state variation. State Availability: AL, AZ, CA, DC, CO, IA, IN, LA, MI, MN, MS, ND, NE, OR, SC, SD, VA, WA, WI and WV SB Premiere Senior/Non Senior Vision 1/12 Approval Date: 10072013 Approval Code: 17871314 ©2013 SureBridge® Product Training Materials | Proprietary and Confidential.
Introduction This is a brief description of the SureBridge® Premiere Vision plan. SureBridge® is a brand name used for insurance products underwritten and administered by The Chesapeake Life Insurance Company®. For more plan details, refer to the product materials. The benefits described in this presentation are subject to all provisions, terms, definitions, and limitations and exclusions of the applicable policy. Supplemental plans serve a specific purpose in the insurance market. These plans are not intended as substitutes for accident and sickness health insurance and should not be construed as such. ©2012 SureBridge® Product Training Materials | Proprietary and Confidential.
Vision Insurance Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Policy Form CH-26120-IP (1/12), or its state variation. ©2012 SureBridge® Product Training Materials | Proprietary and Confidential.
Premiere Vision Markets Senior Market Maximum Issue Age: 65-99 −Dependent Issue Age: 0-99 Application:26109-APP SRM D/V (01/12) Non-Senior Market Maximum Issue Age: 0-64 − Dependent Issue Age: 0-64 Application: 26109-APP (09/12) ©2012 SureBridge® Product Training Materials | Proprietary and Confidential.
Premiere Vision Examination Network Provider Benefits 100 % Comprehensive Eye Examinations per Insured Person Includes eye exam, refraction and dilation as necessary Limited to one exam every 12 months from last date of service, per insured person Non-Network Provider Benefits 100 % up to a maximum of $30 per Comprehensive Eye Examination, per Insured Person ©2012 SureBridge® Product Training Materials | Proprietary and Confidential.
Premiere Vision Corrective Spectacle Lenses Network Provider Benefits Corrective Spectacle Lenses (standard, uncoated plastic lenses) Co-pay $10 (per insured person) Limited to one purchase every 12 months from the last date of service, per insured person Single Vision Lenses, Bifocal Lenses and Trifocal Lenses In lieu of corrective contact lenses Paid at 100% Non-Network Provider Benefits Corrective Spectacle Lenses (standard, uncoated plastic lenses)-Not Covered ©2012 SureBridge® Product Training Materials | Proprietary and Confidential.
Premiere Vision Frames Network Provider Benefits Frames Co-pay $10 (per insured person) Limited to one purchase every 12 months from the last date of service, per insured person In lieu of corrective contact lenses Paid at 100% up to a maximum of $120 Non-Network Provider Benefits Frames-Not Covered ©2012 SureBridge® Product Training Materials | Proprietary and Confidential.
Premiere Vision Corrective Contact Lenses Network Provider Benefits* Corrective Contact Lenses Co-pay $10 (per insured person) Limited to one purchase every 12 months from the last date of service, per insured person In lieu of corrective spectacle lenses and frames Paid at 100% up to a maximum of $120 Non-Network Provider Benefits* Corrective Contact Lenses-Not Covered *Contact lens fitting and follow-up visits are not covered. ©2012 SureBridge® Product Training Materials | Proprietary and Confidential.
Premiere Vision Exclusions & Limitations Benefits will not be provided under the policy for expenses associated with the following: Orthoptic or vision training and any associated supplemental testing Plano lenses Lens coating Two pair of glasses, in lieu of bifocals or trifocals Medical or surgical treatment of the eyes Any type of corrective vision surgery, including LASIK surgery Any eye examination, or any corrective eyewear, required by an employer as a condition of employment Any services or supplies when paid under any Workers’ Compensation or similar law No-line bifocal or progressive lenses Photochromic, transition, or polycarbonate lenses Lenticular lenses ©2012 SureBridge® Product Training Materials | Proprietary and Confidential.
Premiere Vision Exclusions & Limitations, continued Sub-normal vision aids or non-prescription lenses Services rendered or supplies purchased outside the U.S. or Canada, unless the insured person resides in the U.S. or Canada and the charges are incurred while on a business or pleasure trip Eyeglasses when the change in prescription is less than .5 Diopter Experimental or investigational or non-conventional treatment or device Eyeglass lens treatments, including “add-ons”, UV coating, anti-reflective coating, scratch resistant coating, tinting, edge polishing Oversized lenses High index lenses of any material type Fitting for contact lenses Follow-up visits Charges incurred after the policy has terminated or coverage has ended *For EyeMed Exclusions & Limitations, please see brochure ©2012 SureBridge® Product Training Materials | Proprietary and Confidential.
Premiere Vision Limiting Age The policy is guaranteed renewable, subject to the Company’s right to discontinue or terminate the coverage as provided in the TERMINATION OF COVERAGE section of the policy. Eligible Dependents covered under the policy may continue coverage until age 26, subject to the termination provisions of the policy. ©2012 SureBridge® Product Training Materials | Proprietary and Confidential.
Premiere Vision Marketing Guidelines for the Senior Market Medicare Advantage plans may contain benefit provisions that could potentially duplicate the Premiere Vision policy benefits. If you are offering the Premiere Vision policy in the senior market, you must determine if the potential applicant has existing vision coverage (refer to the application question regarding other coverage). Do not offer a Premiere Vision policy to a customer who has an existing Medicare Advantage plan with vision benefits or other existing vision coverage. ©2012 SureBridge® Product Training Materials | Proprietary and Confidential.
Premiere Vision State Variations [Iowa: Renewability is revised to read: “The policy is conditionally renewable, subject to the Company’s right to discontinue or terminate the coverage as provided in the TERMINATION OF COVERAGE section of the policy.”] [Minnesota: Renewability is revised to read: “The policy is conditionally renewable, subject to the Company’s right to discontinue or terminate the coverage as provided in the TERMINATION OF COVERAGE section of the policy.”] [Nebraska: Limiting age is revised to read, “Eligible Dependents covered under the policy may continue coverage through age 29, subject to the termination provisions of the policy. ”] [South Dakota: Limiting age is revised to read, “Eligible Dependents covered under the policy may continue coverage up to age 30, subject to the termination provisions of the policy. “] [Virginia: Renewability is revised to read: “The policy is conditionally renewable, subject to the Company’s right to discontinue or terminate the coverage as provided in the TERMINATION OF COVERAGE section of the policy.”] [Washington: Renewability is revised to read: “This Policy is not guaranteed renewable however, it is renewable, subject to the Company’s right to discontinue or terminate the coverage as provided in the TERMINATION OF COVERAGE section of this Policy.”] ©2012 SureBridge® Product Training Materials | Proprietary and Confidential.
Premiere Vision EyeMed Vision Care Network Over 14,000 outlets Including Lens Crafters, Pearle Vision, Sears, Target Optical, and many independent providers Visit to verify provider participation Choose the “Select” network option Or call 1-866-723-0514 No claim forms The optical provider determines the exact benefits and fees that apply ©2012 SureBridge® Product Training Materials | Proprietary and Confidential.
Choose the “Select” Network EyeMed Access 1. Locate Provider Choose the “Select” Network 2. Choose the “Select” Network 3. Enter Zip Code ©2012 SureBridge® Product Training Materials | Proprietary and Confidential.
Premiere Vision Additional State Variations This presentation is not inclusive of all policy provisions. See product materials for complete details and any additional state variations regarding Termination of Coverage, Renewability, Premium Changes, Eligible Dependents, and Policy Definitions. SureBridge® products are individual supplemental products, and are not available as group coverage. There is no list bill and premiums may not be paid by employers for employees. The claim examples used in this presentation are for training purposes only and are not approved for any other use. This material cannot be copied or used in any way for advertising or presentation purposes. ©2012 SureBridge® Product Training Materials | Proprietary and Confidential.
Vision Insurance Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)Policy ©2012 SureBridge® Product Training Materials | Proprietary and Confidential.