Topic: Waveforms in Noesis Advanced Data Analysis Pattern Recognition & Neural Networks Software for Acoustic Emission Applications Topic: Waveforms in Noesis CONFIDENTIAL - Copyright Mistras Group Inc., 2007.
Noesis – Waveforms Capabilities Noesis main features relating to Waveforms: Import of multiple waveforms from several format Export of waveforms to several formats Plotting of waveforms using different representations (time and frequency domain) Advanced waveform processing (DSP) Waveform statistical processing Feature extraction from recorded waveforms Waveforms and Features correlation (also Waveforms and Pattern Recognition Classes Correlation) Live processing and Feature Extraction CONFIDENTIAL - Copyright Mistras Group Inc., 2007.
Import/Export Waveforms Waveforms can be loaded into Noesis by import: AE Data (DTA) from Spartran, Mistras, DiSP, Sensor Highway, PocketAE PAC’s Systems AE Wave Streaming Data (WFS) from PCI-2 systems. AE Wave Data (TDA): from TRA, MISTRAS and DiSP systems. ASCII Waveform (TXT) from tab delimited ASCII waveform files. Waveforms can be exported from Noesis: To their original format after processing To ASCII Waveform (TXT) Also WFS can be exported to DTA after splitting to shorter length CONFIDENTIAL - Copyright Mistras Group Inc., 2007.
Plotting Waveforms (1) All waveform plots can be fully customized (from plot type to axes scaling and feature to font type and size) using the plot properties dialog, with just a simple mouse right-click. A large variety of plots are available. Pages set-up resulting in multiple SCREENS with any combination of graphs. CONFIDENTIAL - Copyright Mistras Group Inc., 2007.
Plotting Waveforms (2) Time Domain Time Domain Waveform plot type available: Time Domain Time - Wave Time – Rectified Wave Time – Wave RMS Time – Auto Correlation Time - Cross Correlation CONFIDENTIAL - Copyright Mistras Group Inc., 2007.
Plotting Waveforms (3) Frequency Domain Frequency Waveform plot type available: Frequency Domain FFT - Real FFT - Imaginary FFT - Magnitude FFT - Phase FFT – Power Spectrum CONFIDENTIAL - Copyright Mistras Group Inc., 2007.
Plotting Waveforms (4) Frequency Domain (more) Advanced Frequency Waveform plot type available: Frequency Domain (more) Short Time FFT Short Time FFT Spectrogram Discrete Wavelet Transformation Continuous Wavelet Transformation Power Cepstrum CONFIDENTIAL - Copyright Mistras Group Inc., 2007.
Plotting Waveforms (5) Waveform Data Statistical Processing and plotting of Waveforms Waveform Data Raw Data Moving Average Standard Deviation Skewness Kurtosis CONFIDENTIAL - Copyright Mistras Group Inc., 2007.
Plotting Waveforms (6) Segment Waveform - Frequency Domain Views. The user can define a segment of the waveform and get the Frequency Domain plots for this segment. CONFIDENTIAL - Copyright Mistras Group Inc., 2007.
Plotting Waveforms (7) Signal Processing (DSP): The user can apply frequency filtering and windowing to any wave view. The parameters are: Windowing type, Filter-Design, Filter-Type (Band-Pass etc), Filter-Order and Low and High Frequency. CONFIDENTIAL - Copyright Mistras Group Inc., 2007.
Navigation between Waveforms and Plots Dedicated toolbar for: Change immediately plot type Navigation between waveforms (First, Next, Previous, Last) Select navigation mode: Global Navigation: Synchronize all waveform views of a data set so that they display the same waveform Auto Select First: Navigating through the waveforms will cause the record of the first waveform to be selected. Mouse Select: Once activated the user can double click on any waveform and the corresponding record will be selected. CONFIDENTIAL - Copyright Mistras Group Inc., 2007.
Feature Extraction (1) Feature extraction for each waveform with user defined settings. Note: Multiple hit extraction - Noesis will actually perform a ‘Post Test Acquisition’ and will extract hits using the new settings. CONFIDENTIAL - Copyright Mistras Group Inc., 2007.
Feature Extraction (2) Different settings could be applied to each waveform The user could define the feature he want to extract CONFIDENTIAL - Copyright Mistras Group Inc., 2007.
Feature Extraction (3) Option to keep original waveform Option to split waveform to any desired length Application - Noesis Feature Extraction of a very large WFS. CONFIDENTIAL - Copyright Mistras Group Inc., 2007.
Live-SPR. Real-time data classification and processing. (1) WFS files: Noesis can load WFS files as they are acquired. Depending on classifier Noesis will extract features and break-down a single WFS wave to multi-hits and classify the data. CONFIDENTIAL - Copyright Mistras Group Inc., 2007.
Live-SPR. Real-time data classification and processing. (2) In parallel with live classification Noesis can compute a variety of Periodic Statistics that follow cluster evolution based on calculated parameters real-time. This feature is also available during post-processing. CONFIDENTIAL - Copyright Mistras Group Inc., 2007.
Live-SPR. Real-time data classification and processing. (3) Class velocity graphs, showing how fast the center of one class approaches or moves away from the center of the reference class or point. Data scatter plot with the data classified immediately with acquisition. Cluster distance, showing the evolution of cluster center distances in time. Cluster size, showing the evolution of the cluster data in time. CONFIDENTIAL - Copyright Mistras Group Inc., 2007.