There are ________ countries in the world.
There are 196 countries in the world.
There are about _______ people all over the world.
people all over the world. There are about7,500,000,000 people all over the world.
There are over _________ languages spoken in the world.
There are over 7,000 languages spoken in the world.
There are over 7 million people in Papua, New Guinea and there are _________ languages spoken there.
There are over 7 million people in Papua, New Guinea and there are 840 languages spoken there.
About _____ people speak Chinese/Mandarin.
About 1,000,000,000 people speak Chinese/Mandarin.
______ Spanish,
330 million Spanish,
______ English.
328 million English.
Richard Simcott is from UK and he can speak ____ languages and counting.
Richard Simcott is from UK and he can speak 21 languages and counting.
There are ______ characters in Chinese language
There are 50,000 characters in Chinese language
but you need to know only 2,000 to read a newspaper.
but you needs to know only __________ to read a newspaper.
The longest word in English has got ____ letters.
The longest word in English has got 45 letters.
The longest word in Polish has got ____ letters.
The longest word in Polish has got 31 letters.
There are ____ ways to spell the ‘o’ sound in French.
There are 13 ways to spell the ‘o’ sound in French.
The Bible is available in ______ languages.
The Bible is available in 2,454 languages.
South Africa has ___ official languages.
South Africa has 11 official languages.
There are ___ imaginary languages in Lord of the Rings.
There are 12 imaginary languages in Lord of the Rings.
One language dies about every ___ weeks.
One language dies about every 2 weeks.