- Ian Bostridge - Erlkönig
Context - bottom set German group in first year of studying German for one lesson a week. This took about 2 lessons. 1. Listen to a YouTube clip - Schubert's interpretation of Erlkönig. 2. Use simple adjectives to describe the song / music before seeing the lyrics (Ich finde das Lied........) 3. Students predict what the story is about (pick from a number of options.....Ich denke, es geht um......) 4. Watch a YouTube clip animation of Erlkönig.....1st time they just watch and listen, 2nd and 3rd time they sequence the differentiated texts into the order that they think id correct. 5. Highlight any words that they know , wiggly underline what they can work out and they can choose 5 words to look up. 6. Discuss again what they think it is about again - in tables and then as a group (same slide as before can be used). 7. Shared reading of the poem to improve pronunciation (sound spelling link) in pairs. 8. Challenge in pairs: to come up with a modern day version either a rap, storyboard, poster or play. 9. Students showcase their interpretations to the rest of the group.