Rights Unit Cycle 1 Ivan: The Remarkable True Story of the Shopping Mall Gorilla
What is a zoo?
Why do people go to the zoo?
The next book we are going to read is… What do you think this book is about? What is a shopping mall gorilla? Do you think it will be fiction or nonfiction?
Vocabulary Rights Unit Cycle 1
Captivity noun ity = the condition of
Captivity means the condition of taking something or controlling it In Japan, hundreds of bears live in captivity in “bear parks.”
The Spanish word for captivity is ___________. cautividad
Cautividad means the condition of taking something and controlling it The book Ivan is about a gorilla who lived in captivity.
Wild adjective
Wild means living in a natural state These gorillas live in the wild in the rainforests of Odzala-Kokoua National Park.
Wild means living in a natural state About 300-400 wild bears live in Yosemite National Park.
Q: Captivity and wild are…. Synonyms? (Same) Antonyms? (Opposite)
A: Captivity and wild are…. Antonyms!
Treatment noun ment = the state or condition of
Treatment means how someone acts towards another person, animal, or thing Bad treatment Good treatment Bad treatment Good treatment or bad treatment? Good treatment or bad treatment? Good treatment or bad treatment?
The Spanish word for treatment is ____________. tratamiento
Tratamiento means how someone acts towards another person, animal, or thing Good treatment Bad treatment Bad treatment Good treatment or bad treatment? Good treatment or bad treatment? Good treatment or bad treatment?
Treatment means how someone acts towards another person, animal, or thing Captivity Wild We are going to read a book about Ivan the gorilla and how his treatment was different in the wild versus in captivity.
Petition noun or verb
Petition means a formal request in writing made by many people to change something These people are signing a petition to ask the Mayor of Chicago to stop raising parking rates in their city.
The Spanish word for petition is _________. petición
Petición means a formal request in writing made by many people to change something In the book we are going to read, the people petition to have Ivan released from captivity in the mall.
Protest noun or verb
Protest means an action or demonstration by a group of people to show that they want something to be changed. Animal rights activists in Jakarta, Indonesia stand in front of the Supreme Court to protest animal cruelty.
The Spanish word for protest is _________. protesta
Protesta means an action or demonstration by a group of people to show that they want something to be changed. People did not like how Ivan was treated in captivity so they protested and signed a petition.
Captivity Wild Treatment Petition Protest