UN-R41.04 ASEP Overview R51 ASEP IWG 11-13 July 2017.


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Presentation transcript:

UN-R41.04 ASEP Overview R51 ASEP IWG 11-13 July 2017

Composition of R41-04 regulation sentence Contents 1. Scope Annexes 2. Definitions, terms and symbols 1 Communication 3. Application for approval 2 Arrangements of approval marks 4. Markings 3 Methods and instruments for measuring noise made by motor cycles 5. Approval 6. Specifications 7. Modification and extension of the approval of the motor cycle type or of the type of exhaust or silencing system(s) 4 Specifications for the test site 5 Exhaust or silencing systems containing fibrous material 8. Conformity of production 6 Maximum limits of sound levels 9. Penalties for non-conformity of production 7 Additional Sound Emission Provisions (ASEP) 10. Production definitively discontinued 11. Names and addresses of Technical Services responsible for conducting approval tests, and of the Type Approval Authorities 8 Statement of compliance with the Additional Sound Emission Provisions (ASEP) 12. Transitional provisions

6. Specifications 6.3. 6.3.1. 6.3.2. 6.3.3. 6.3.4. Additional sound emission provisions The motor cycle manufacturer shall not intentionally alter, adjust, or introduce any device or procedure solely for the purpose of fulfilling the noise emission requirements of this Regulation, which will not be operational during typical on-road operation. The vehicle type to be approved shall meet the requirements of Annex 7 to this Regulation. If the motor cycle has user selectable software programs or modes which affect the sound emission of the vehicle, all these modes shall be in compliance with the requirements in Annex 7. Testing shall be based on the worst case scenario. In the application for type approval or for modification or extension of a type approval the manufacturer shall provide a statement in accordance with Annex 8 that the vehicle type to be approved complies with the requirements of paragraphs 6.3.1. and 6.3.2. of this Regulation. The competent authority may carry out any test prescribed in this Regulation. The point Prohibited matters All the modes fill the requirement of ASEP Annex8 Statement by manufacturer An ASEP test is not certainly enforcement.

Annex 8 Statement of compliance with the Additional Sound Emission Provisions (ASEP) (Maximum format: A4 (210 x 297 mm)) ...................... (Name of manufacturer) attests that vehicles of this type .................... (type with regard to its noise emission pursuant to Regulation No. 41) comply with the requirements of paragraph 6.3. of Regulation No. 41. ...................... (Name of manufacturer) makes this statement in good faith, after having performed an appropriate evaluation of the sound emission performance of the vehicles. Date: ........................................................................................................................................ Name of authorized representative: ......................................................................................... Signature of authorized representative: ...................................................................................

Additional Sound Emission Provisions (ASEP) Annex 7 Additional Sound Emission Provisions (ASEP) 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 3. 3.1. 3.2. 3.2.1. 3.2.2. 3.2.3. Scope Additional sound emission requirements Measuring instruments Acoustical environment, meteorological conditions and background noise Microphone positions and conditions of the vehicle General operating conditions ASEP control range ASEP limits Testing compliance by measurements General ASEP reference test conditions Test procedure Test speed and gear selection Data processing and reporting

Annex 7 1. Scope 1.1. 1.2. This annex applies to vehicles of category L3 with PMR >50. Vehicles with variable gear ratios or automatic transmission with non-lockable gear ratios are exempted from the requirements of this annex, if the vehicle manufacturer provides technical documents to the type approval authority showing, that the vehicle's engine speed at BB' does neither exceed nBB' + 0.05 * (S – nidle) nor fall below nBB' – 0.05 * (S – nidle) for any test condition inside the ASEP control range defined in paragraph 2.5. below, where nBB' is the average engine speed at BB' from the three valid acceleration tests according to paragraph 1. of Annex 3. vBB’=80km/h ASEP exemption nBB' + 0.05 * (S – nidle) nBB' of acceleration test with VPP’=50km/h ● nBB' – 0.05 * (S – nidle) S : rated engine speed nidle : Engine speed at idle Engine speed min-1 ● vPP' = 50 km/h vAA’=20km/h 20 km/h 80

Annex 7 Refer to Annex 3 2. Additional sound emission requirements 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. Measuring instruments The requirements for the measurement equipment are identical to those defined in paragraph 1.1. of Annex 3 for the tests of the motor cycle in motion. Acoustical environment, meteorological conditions and background noise The requirements concerning the acoustical environment, the meteorological conditions and the background noise are identical to those defined in paragraph 1.2. of Annex 3 for the tests of the motor cycle in motion. Microphone positions and conditions of the vehicle The requirements concerning the microphone positions and the conditions of the vehicle are identical to those defined in paragraphs 1.3.1. and 1.3.2. of Annex 3 for the tests of the motor cycle in motion. General operating conditions The general operating conditions are identical to those defined in paragraph of Annex 3 for the tests of the motor cycle in motion. Refer to Annex 3

Annex 7 2. Additional sound emission requirements 2.5. ASEP control range The requirements of this annex apply to any vehicle operation with the following restrictions: (a) vAA' shall be at least 20 km/h (b) vBB' shall not exceed 80 km/h (c) nAA' shall be at least 0.1 * (S – nidle) + nidle (d) nBB' shall not exceed 0.85 * (S – nidle) + nidle for PMR < 66 and 3.4 * PMR-0.33 * (S – nidle) + nidle for PMR > 66 P P' B B' A A' Microphones (Throttle fully closed) (Wide open throttle) Test course overview Note: If the vehicle has more than one gear, the first gear shall not be used. S : rated engine speed nidle : Engine speed at idle

ASEP control range ASEP control range Example 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th vBB' < 80 km/h nBB' < 0.85 * (S - nidle) + nidle (PMR < 66)     3.4 * PMR - 0.33 * (S - nidle) + nidle (PMR > 66) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th ASEP control range Pleas see this graph which show ASEP control range is described in Annex7 of R41-04. Vehicle speed of entrance AA’ shall be over 20km/h Vehicle speed of exit BB shall be under 80km/h And Engine speed of entrance AA’ shall be over low this blue line which is describe by this formula Engine speed of entrance BB’ shall be under high blue line which is described by these formulas depend on PMR nAA' > 0.1 * (S - nidle) + nidle vAA' > 20 km/h #/n

Annex 7 2. Additional sound emission requirements 2.6. ASEP limits1 The maximum noise level recorded during the passage of the motorcycle through the test track shall not exceed: Lwot,(i) + (0 * (nPP' – nwot,(i)) / 1,000) + 3 for nPP' < nwot,(i) and Lwot,(i) + (5 * (nPP' – nwot,(i)) / 1,000) + 3 for nPP' ≥ nwot,(i) From the date in paragraph 12.7., maximum noise level shall not exceed: Lwot,(i) + (1 * (nPP' – nwot,(i)) / 1,000) + 3 for nPP' < nwot,(i) and Where Lwot,(i) and nPP' have the same meaning as in paragraph 1. of Annex 3 and nwot,(i) refers to the corresponding engine speed when the front of the vehicle passes the line PP'. From 1st January 2017 1 When compliance with these limits is checked, values for Lwot(i) and nwot(i) shall not be taken from type approval documents but newly determined by measurements as defined in paragraph 1. of Annex 3, however using the same gear (i) and the same pre-acceleration distance as during type approval.

ASEP Limit (shown by the graph) Example Line with slope of 5dB/1000min-1 Line with slope of 1dB/1000min-1 3dB Lwot,(i) Reference point para.3.2.2.(i) full throttle acceleration test ・vPP’ = 50km/h ・the same gear(i) as tested in Annex3 nwot,(i) nwot,(i) refers to the corresponding engine speed when the front of the vehicle passes the line PP'. #/n

Annex 7 At least 2 reference points (para. 3.2.) 3. Testing compliance by measurements 3.1. 3.2. 3.2.1 General The Type Approval Authority as well as the Technical Service may request tests to check the compliance of the motorcycle with the requirements of paragraph 2 above. To avoid undue work load testing is restricted to the reference points defined in paragraph 3.2. below and up to two additional operating conditions other than the reference points but inside the ASEP control range. ASEP reference test conditions Test procedure When the front of the vehicle reaches AA', the throttle shall be fully engaged and held fully engaged until the rear of the vehicle reaches BB'. The throttle shall then be returned as quickly as possible to the idle position. Pre-acceleration may be used if acceleration is delayed beyond AA'. The location of the start of the acceleration shall be reported. At least 2 reference points (para. 3.2.) Allowed up to two additional points TA Authority, TS may request test

Annex 7 2(two) Reference points How to select gear 3. Testing compliance by measurements 3.2.2. Test speed and gear selection The vehicle shall be tested at each of the following operating conditions: (i) vPP' = 50 km/h The selected gear (i) and pre-acceleration condition shall be the same as those used in the original type approval test of Annex 3 of this Regulation. (ii) vBB' corresponding to nBB' = 0.85 * (S – nidle) + nidle for PMR < 66; and nBB' = 3.4 * PMR-0.33 * (S – nidle) + nidle for PMR > 66 vBB' shall not exceed 80 km/h The selected gear shall be 2nd. If the 3rd gear satisfies requirements of nBB' and vBB', 3rd shall be used. If the 4th gear satisfies requirements of nBB' and vBB', 4th shall be used. 2(two) Reference points Reference point para.3.2.2.(i) Reference point para.3.2.2.(ii) Imaged as upper limit point How to select gear

Annex 7 3. Testing compliance by measurements 3.2.3. Data processing and reporting The requirements of paragraph 1.4. of Annex 3 shall be applied. In addition the engine speed values at AA', BB', and PP' in units of min-1 shall be mathematically rounded to the nearest integer for further calculations. For a given test condition the three individual engine speeds shall be averaged arithmetically. The final sound pressure levels for the full throttle acceleration shall not exceed the limits specified in paragraph 2.6. above. Annex 3 1.4.1. The first three valid consecutive measurement results for each test condition, within 2.0 dB(A) Number of measurement: 3 (three)

ASEP Limit (shown by the graph) Test Result Example Line with slope of 5dB/1000min-1 Reference point (para.3.2.2.(ii)) Line with slope of 1dB/1000min-1 3dB Lwot,(i) Reference point (para.3.2.2.(i)) full throttle acceleration test ・vPP’ = 50km/h ・the same gear(i) as tested in Annex3 Any 2 measurements shall be within this area. nwot,(i) nwot,(i) refers to the corresponding engine speed when the front of the vehicle passes the line PP'. #/n

8. Conformity of production 8.3. For conformity of production, the manufacturer shall make a renewed declaration that the type still fulfils the requirements of paragraphs 6.3.1. and 6.3.2. of this Regulation. In case of testing according to Annex 7, the measured sound levels shall not exceed by more than 1.0 dB(A) the limits given in paragraph 2.6. of Annex 7. renewed declaration Test result image AAA(Name of manufacturer) attests that vehicles of this type BBB (type with regard to its noise emission pursuant to Regulation No. 41) comply with the requirements of paragraph 6.3. of Regulation No. 41. AAA (Name of manufacturer) makes this statement in good faith, after having performed an appropriate evaluation of the sound emission performance of the vehicles. Date: XX.YY.ZZZZ Name of authorized representative: CCC Signature of authorized representative: DDDD <Non-conformance area> 5dB/1000rpm slope 1dB/1000rpm slope Full-throttle noise value dB Regulatory value 3dB+1dB <Conformance area> 0 Engine revolutions in front of microphone nPP’

Example of ASEP measurement

Example of ASEP measurement G vehicle: MT model Maximum output=29kW; vehicle weight=168 kg; PMR=119.3; S=14000rpm; nidle=1600rpm Desk study results of test conditions Gear Upper limit point nBB’=10300rpm VBB’(km/h) 2nd 61.8 3rd 77.7 4th 93.8 ◆Reference point para.3.2.2.(i)  Third gear VPP’=50km/h (Lurban: Measured with third gear) ◆Reference point para.3.2.2.(ii)  nBB’=3.4×PMR-0.33(S-nidle)+nidle =10300  VBB’≦80km/h It is expected that 3rd gear will be employed for reference point para.3.2.2.(ii) measurement. Final test result Reference point rara.3.2.2.(i) Gear L R VAA’ VPP’ VBB’ nPP’ 3rd 1 76.1 77.6 41.9 50.1 57.4 6589 2 76.8 42.4 50.7 58.1 6668 3 76.7 77.2 40.5 49.2 57.0 6471 Average 76.5 41.6 50.0 57.5 6576 Reference point para.3.2.2.(ii) Regulatory value (~2016) Reference point (para.3.2.2.(ii) Gear L R VAA’ VPP’ VBB’ nPP’ nBB’ 3rd 1 82.7 81.9 65.9 71.8 77.9 9443 10246 2 66.4 71.9 9457 3 82.2 67.0 72.8 78.1 9575 10272 Average 82.4 82.3 72.2 78.0 9492 10254 (2017~) Reference point para.3.2.2.(i)

Example of ASEP measurement - If exemption provisions apply. ASEP exemption: If the variation of the exit engine speed nBB’ relative to the reference point is below 0.05×(S-nidle), then the ASEP does not apply. Vehicle H: CVT model; Max. output = 37.7kW; Vehicle weight =250 kg; PMR=116; S=7500rpm; nidle=1300 rpm <Reference> Final test result ◆Reference point para.3.2.2.(i)  VPP’=50km/h ◆Reference point para.3.2.2.(ii)  nBB’=3.4×PMR-0.33(s-nidle)+nidle =5691  VBB’≦80km/h Std. Lwot (dB) Lower point in control range Reference point para.3.2.2.(i) Reference point para.3.2.2.(ii) Test result nPP’ (rpm) Vehicle speed (km/h) Engine speed (rpm) Noise(dB) Condition VAA’ VPP’ VBB’ nAA’ nPP’ nBB’ L R Reference point (ii) VBB’≦80 72.5 75.4 80.0 nBB’≦5691 3879 4585 4810 78.3 79.3 Reference point(i) - 41.6 50.0 60.1 3112 4437 4804 77.5 80.2 lower point VAA’≧20 20.0 40.6 56.2 nAA’≧1920 2379 5094 5112 80.6 82,3 Differences from the value at reference point nBB’ 4,804 rpm are below “0.05×(S-nidle)=310rpm” for both upper and lower points, and therefore the exemption applies. As it is unable to adjust the engine speed, measurements are made at VAA’=20km/h and VBB’=80km/h.

Questions or comments can be addressed to Daniela Leveratto, IMMA Technical Director, at the following email: d.leveratto@immamotorcycles.org Thank you!