Technology Management Services (TMS) CJS/IJS Review 10 June 2015
INTRODUCTION The National Development Plan (NDP) places significant focus on the implementation of the recommendations of the Review of the South African Criminal Justice System (CJS) through the CJS Seven point plan, which was approved in 2007. This process was started in 2005 because departments were working is ‘silos’ with little interaction. It was difficult to track individuals and information through the system. Implementation of projects under the Technology Management Services (TMS) of the SAPS has been a significant concern for the last couple of years. Large amounts of resources have been allocated to the CJS and IJS. For the 2014/15 financial year, R1.14 bn was allocated and spent on the CJS/IJS projects. Some projects were started in 2003/04 and to date R6.673 billion have been spent on technology projects associated with the CJS/IJS review (bulk on CRC and FSL).
Quarterly progress report regarding implementation and expenditure. 13 MAY 2015 MEETING Quarterly progress report regarding implementation and expenditure. Included the CJS, SAPS IJS and SAPS Transversal IJS projects Became evident that SAPS experiences several challenges on transversal responsibilities and dependencies on other stakeholder departments, notably SITA, DPW and DHA. The meeting was adjourned with the undertaking that the Committee would revisit with all stakeholders present. SAPS has 73 technology projects associated with the CJS/IJS Review, of which 15 projects are listed as having dependencies on other Departments (20% of total number of projects). Listed projects with dependencies: Department of Home Affairs (DHA) HANIS Integration Department of Public Works (DPW) Automatic DNA Equipment
Listed projects with dependencies (cont.): SITA (13 projects) 13 MAY 2015 MEETING Listed projects with dependencies (cont.): SITA (13 projects) Electronic Plan Drawing Facial Compilation Biometric Enhancement Solution (Maintenance) Decentralisation of JUDDIS De-Stralab Licences upgrade SAN Storage (EC and KZN) 12 Analytical Solutions Automated Fingerprint Identifications Replacement End-user Deployment and Configuration Identity and Access Management (IDAM) SAPS Integrated Booking (Person) ICDMS (Administer Case) ICDMS (Investigate Case) Presentations from stakeholders - Main areas of concern: Development of user specifications (role of CSIR) Evaluation criteria of bids Adjudication of bids
BUDGET ALLOCATION AND EXPENDITURE 2014/15 R1.14bn of which 100% was spent, against less than 50% at 31 December 2014 Large disparities comparing expenditure at end 3rd quarter to 4th quarter Spent R553 million in last 3 months of 2014/15 FY CJS and IJS Projects Total allocation Percentage spent Q1 to Q3 Percentage spent Q1 to Q4 CJS Review R813 544 000 50.5% 100.02% SAPS IJS and IJS Transversal Subprogrammes R330 666 000 43.2% 99.99% SAPS IJS Subprogrammes R257 873 773 36.94% 100.59% SASP IJS Transversal Subprogrammes R72 792 227 65.44% 98.01% Total R1 144 210 000 48.4% 100.00%
BUDGET ALLOCATION AND EXPENDITURE 2014/15: SAPS COMPONENTS Capacitation and modernisation Component Total Allocation 2014/15 Expenditure at March 2015 Percentage spent Criminal Record Centre R202 067 813 R196 517 065 97.3% Forensic Science Laboratories R451 476 925 R518 746 925 115% Provincial, Cluster and Police Stations R76 319 627 R75 074 079 98.4% Detective Services R19 454 910 R23 014 922 118.4% Visible Policing R63 724 725 R145 287 0.2% Protection and Security Services R500 000 R198 937 39.8% Total R813 544 000 100.02% Over/under expenditure Significant decreased allocation to Criminal Record Centre (less R109 million) SAPS reported that expenditure on Visible Policing was 85% - incorrect and must be explained R145 287.00 of its R63.7 million allocation
BUDGET ALLOCATION AND EXPENDITURE 2003/04 - 2014/15 CJS – R4.5 billion SAPS IJS and Transversal Subprogrammes – R2.17 billion CJS and IJS Projects Total allocation 2003/04 – 2014/15 CJS Review R4 501 837 422 SAPS IJS and IJS Transversal Subprogrammes R2 171 284 397 SAPS IJS Subprogrammes R1 726 008 644 SASP IJS Transversal Subprogrammes R445 275 753 Total R6 672 121 819 SAPS IJS Subprogramme - R1.7 billion IJS Transversal Subprogramme – R445 million Total = R6.672 billion
BUDGET ALLOCATION AND EXPENDITURE 2003/04 - 2014/15 Most significant expenditure on CJS projects: Criminal Record Centre – R1.465 billion R554 million on Biometric Enhancement Solution Forensic Science Laboratories - R1.462 billion R350 million on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Provincial, Clusters, Police Stations and other Divisions – R967 million R743 million on End User Equipment procurement Detective Services – R473 million R449 million on End User Equipment procurement Visible Policing – R24.2 million R15. 2 million on Network Infrastructure at Veritas Building Most significant expenditure on IJS projects: Investigation Case Docket Management System (Administer Case)/ICDMS/E-docket – R613.5 million Property Control and Exhibit (PCEM) – R355 million Service Integration Bus (SIBUS) – R192 million
CONCLUSION SAPS should provide a strategic, clear and succinct picture of the CJS/IJS projects and how these contribute to the CJS Review. Tangible results for the almost R7 billion expenditure over the past decade on the modernisation projects. Dependencies should be clarified and addressed.
Thank you Nicolette van Zyl-Gous Researcher: PC on Police 021 403 8416