Preparing for the SACSCOC visit
Why should I care? Without accreditation, there is no financial aid. Without accreditation, there is no transfer of classes. Without accreditation, there is no college and you have no job!!!!!
October 10-12 It takes a college to survive an accreditation visit. Everyone can participate. Everyone needs to get ready. All of you have homework!!!
You can participate What you can do
things to do Wear your nametag. Dress appropriately – it is not casual Friday. Be polite – this is not an opportunity to air the dirty laundry. Clean up visible junk, particularly outside. Don’t cancel class. They are on a timetable – don’t hold them up waiting on you. If they ask for something or we do during the visit, bring it quickly!
Getting ready What you should know
Things you should know If they ask you something and you don’t know, tell them you don’t know and that you will find the answer and get back to them. Do not lie to SACSCOC team members! If they ask you for something and you don’t have it, tell them you will go find it and do so quickly. Do not go into the resource rooms! Do not cancel classes!
Questions they may ask you What is the QEP topic? How does a student make a complaint? Where are written student complaints housed? How do you contribute to the mission and goals of the college?
What is a QEP and what is ours? Quality Enhancement Plan – QEP Required by SACSCOC Must relate to Student Learning Our topic – Your Math GPS Tutoring for MTH 098 – Developmental Algebra
How can a student make a complaint? You should know and if you are faculty, your students should know. Students should follow the process online and should only complain to ACCS once they exhaust the college process. For Title IX, harassment or discrimination, they contact Michele Bradford. Instructional matters start with instructors, then division chairs, and if not resolved, then the respective dean. Student services issues should go to the Dean of Enrollment and Retention.
Where are files on written student complaints housed? In the office of the respective dean If Title IX, harassment, or discrimination, with Michele Bradford
How does what you do support the mission and goals of the college? What we do comes down to instruction or services Look at one page Strategic Plan map Compare what you do with the goals and objectives
Homework What you need to work on
Homework assignment Print the current mission statement and goals Decide how you relate to them Do some spring cleaning and report any issues than need repair Find out the answers to these questions: How many goals do we have? How many campuses do we have?