Welcome to Year 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Year 1

Staff Mr Tapping and Mrs Farr – 1FT Mrs Barlow – 1B Mrs Jones- LSA (1B all day) Mrs Reading – LSA (1FT all day) Mrs Casella- LSA (working with both classes) Mr McKenzie (P.E) Mr Barclay (ICT) Debbie

Year Ahead Projects: First project is “Build It” centred around our Literacy unit on the story of The Three Little Pigs. Focus: Play and transitioning into Year 1 The Spring Term and Summer Term projects will be decided by the children

Timetable Please ensure PE kits are in school on: Tuesday (1B) Wednesday (1B and 1FT) Thursday (1FT) 1B’s library slot is on Tuesday and 1FT’s library slot is on Thursday. Please ensure pupils have wellington boots and waterproofs in school for outdoor learning.

P.E Kit White t-shirts Blue shorts Indoor pumps Winter: Trousers Jumpers- no hoodies please Trainers (Please make sure that these are labelled)

Before School and End of the Day Routine Mornings: Children will put their book bags and coats on the floor just outside their classroom independently. They should put their lunch boxes on the trolley. Children should remain stood with their parents until the bell sounds. The children should line up immediately after the bell sounds with their class teacher or an LSA ready for Wake and Shake. When the children enter the classrooms they will receive reminders about handing in their letters, reading books and homework. (Placing these in their book bag will help them with this task) Home time: The children will receive regular reminders about what they need at the end of a school day. Pupils will be sent home through the classroom door when their adult is visible. (Please let the office know of any changes to your end of day arrangements)

Responsibility Moving into Year 1 is a chance for the children to become more independent so please encourage your child to carry their own bags and put their own things away in the mornings. Year 1 is also a great opportunity for pupils to practise being responsible by looking after their belongings (e.g. jumpers). We do ask that parents/ carers do not enter the cloakrooms without a member of staff present and we would strongly encourage your child to put their own things away/ collect their own items.

Break Times Break times: Morning break 10.30am-10.45am Lunch 11.45am (eat at 12pm) Afternoon break 1.45pm-2.00pm Home time 3.05pm Snacks: Break time fruit will be provided in Year 1. If you choose to provide your child with fruit from home please do not send in nuts or kiwi fruits as children in the school have severe airborne allergy to these. Please also ensure there are no nuts/kiwi or nut/ kiwi products in your child’s lunch box.

Values Nomination Every Friday each child will (at some point throughout the year) have an opportunity to take home the class mascot. The children will be selected by the class for showing the school values that week. Over the course of the weekend, we ask that you support your child with recording what they have done with the class mascot in his diary. The following Friday the children will sharing all of their adventures! Please ensure that the mascot is back in school on the Monday after the weekend so that we can be sure it will be available for the next child.

Celebration Assembly Every fortnight we will have a Key Stage One Celebration Assembly on Friday morning at 9.10am. There will be two “Stars of the Week” chosen every fortnight from each class. If your child has been chosen you will be told on Wednesday and invited to attend the Celebration Assembly.

Homework (Reading) School policy: Children should read for 10 minutes at home each day. -We strongly recommend that you do the high quality activities in the books with your child and re-read any books they have found challenging. This is what will help them make real progress with their reading. Any activities completed can be placed in their reading journal so they can receive team points at school. Children will read with their teacher once a week in school. To enable the teachers to read with all the pupils some children will be asked to read during Wake and Shake. The Reading journals will be given out on Friday 15th September 2017. This will allow the teachers to assess the level of the children’s books is appropriate after the summer holiday. Please ensure you read with your child regularly and write in their reading journal. Please ensure their journal and reading book is in school everyday so your child can be heard at school.

Homework (Phonics/ Hot words) Phonics/ Spelling Daily phonics/ spelling sessions. Phonics homework will be starting after the half term holiday. Hotwords Will be going home with your child on Friday next week. Words to learn to read and spell will be written in the reading journals. They will be re-tested then new words will be provided. Lisa

The Phonics Screening Test In Year 1 there is a National Statutory Phonics Check that takes place in the Summer Term. We will provide a meeting and guidance for this check later on in the Year. Helping with your child’s phonics homework and reading regularly with them will support them with the Phonics Check. Debbie

Homework (Mathletics) Mathletics will be set every week on Fridays and will need to be completed by the following Friday. First set Friday 15th September 2017.

Homework (Learning Logs) Learning Log homework will be set every 3 weeks. Pupils are given 2 weeks to complete the tasks. The first Learning Log will be set on Friday 15th September 2017.

Parental Help Help during the school day is always appreciated. We are looking for parents who can read with the children, help with Hot Words or are willing to support with art and craft days. If you would like to help at school please contact Mr Tapping, Mrs Farr or Mrs Barlow as soon as possible.

Contact If you would like to speak to any of us regarding your child please call the school, put a note in your child’s bag or speak to us at the end of the day to arrange a mutually convenient time. Polite request: Please do not pass on messages in the mornings. After school, please wait until all the children have been sent home before coming to ask a question.
