Induction Evening: Monday 11th September 2017


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Presentation transcript:

Induction Evening: Monday 11th September 2017 Welcome To Class 2! Induction Evening: Monday 11th September 2017

What do you want your child to achieve this year?

The Main Foci For Children In Class 2… Greater independence when carrying out activities. Aiming to achieve lesson challenges set. Explaining their ideas and answers to teachers and peers. Asking questions about their learning. Maintaining focus for a longer period of time.

Sample Timetable

Book bags (School Logo Book Bags Where Possible) Please make sure that you look in these regularly as I do use the Home/School Diary to communicate with you if not urgent. Urgent communications will be face to face or via telephone. Please ensure that your child has their school reading book and Home/ School Diary with them every day. They will need this for any individual reading they may do, and for non-urgent communications.

P.E Kits Please make sure that your child has an indoor and outdoor P.E kit for every lesson as they are weather dependent, particularly footwear. All items (including the bag) should be named so that lost items can be returned quickly. Please provide a letter if your child is unable to take part in PE. Your child will still need to watch the lesson and carry out an activity based on it.

Homework Set on a Friday and unless otherwise stated, due in the following Wednesday. Every week children will be expected to carry out spelling practice, and read at home at least three times a week. As well as this, there will be an English, Maths or learning log based homework. This should take approximately 20-30 minutes. Please let me know if your child has struggled with the work, or did not manage to complete it in the 20-30 minutes in their homework books or home/ school diaries. It will be based on the topics/ lessons currently being studied. Queries about homework need to be asked before the due in date. Homework can be handed in early or in stages.

Assessment Weekly differentiated spelling and maths tests. Assessment without levels. End of term assessments to inform teacher assessments in reading, writing, maths and science. SATs.

SATs These will take place in May. There is not a set time and date for the papers- they will be done at our discretion. These will be used to support end of year teacher assessments. Teacher assessments will be released in your child’s end of term report, as in Year 1. There are four papers- 2 Maths (reasoning and arithmetic), and 2 reading papers. We will be holding another information evening after Christmas to tell you more about how you can support your child at home.

Half-termly topics: Autumn 1– Under the Sea Autumn 2– The Great Fire of London Spring 1 – An Apple a Day Spring 2 – Katie Morag: An Island Home Summer 1&2- Nature Detectives Key Stage 1 topic plans on the school’s website.

First Aid First aid bag in classroom cupboard for easy access (particularly used for inhalers). If antibiotics etc. need administering, we can do so at lunchtimes when a form has been completed (these are located at the office). No throat/ cough lozenges can be brought into school unless administered by the parent before school and at lunch time. Head bumps and injuries during school time will be noted and sent home in your child’s book bag. An adult may call you if they feel it necessary.

Lunchtimes Children will continue as in Year 1, eating at 12:00. Clubs will start this week, and will usually take place at 12.30 after lunch. Green and pink slips at lunchtime.

How You Can Help At Home… Read with your child regularly. You can take it in turns – adult modelling of reading is also important! Guidance is on the school’s website. Practice reciting/ answering age expected times tables. Check that children have completed all homework before it is handed in.

Resources There are some resources on Class 2 page of the website: - Copies of the Government Interim Framework that your child will be assessed against this year. - Questions to support development of reading. - A list of the Year 2 Common Exception words.