communication Половинщикова И. А.,учитель английского языка МОУ Борская СОШ №1
can carry great messages Little pigeons can carry great messages
six thinking hats Edward de Bono
six thinking hats
What means of communication can you think of? Starting Point What means of communication can you think of? How do they affect our lives? How do you think they will develop in the future? Mobile phones e-mail
1.What are the different ways we can use computers to communicate? 2. Do you have an e-mail address? How often do you send and receive e-mails? 3. Do you have friends or family who don’t live near you? How do you stay in touch with them?
Match the adjectives to the nouns to make collocations. 1. Hollywood a qualities 2. Text b responsibility 3. Visual c second 4. Current d person 5. Split e images 6. Likeable f affairs 7. Overall g blockbuster 8. Vital h messaging
Read the text. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that best fits in the space in the same line. WRITING FOR THE SCREEN You don’t really need 1…. to write for film and QUALIFY television, but you do need good 2… skills and COMMUNICATE certainly need a vivid3… . This will help IMAGINE you come up with a plot and, after that, your job is to make it as real and 4 … as possible. To do that, BELIEVE you need to watch people very 5… to see CLOSE how they act when they sad,6 … angry, ENTHUSE or experience other emotions. Where do they put their hands when they are deep in 7…? DISCUSS What do they say in an 8…? How do they begin and end a ARGUE 9… ? These are kinds of questions you need to be CONVERSE asking .
INSERT I - interactive N – nothing S – system E – effective R – reading T - thinking
Town Criers ۷ You knew this fact before. + New information ? Don’t understand, have questions
Discuss in groups 1.What fact did you know before? 2.What new information have you found in the text? 3.Are there any facts in the text you don’t understand?
Notes for article on town criers. Not many people could read until……. The words they traditionally shout mean…. Earliest records are from … They spread the news of … in 1666. They were replaced by public notices and …. The present London town crier brought people the news of …. birth.
Modern language of communication
Hi, Dear Friend! RUOK? THNQ U 4 UR Lttr. I MUSM & decided 2 write U a MSG. AFAIK U had Un4gtebl SMMR HOLS. PCM ASAP as I Wan2 know more about UR plans 4 the Wknd. Hope IL spend ‘em with U. It would be Gr8. It’s Ti2GO now. W8ing 4 UR call. B4N. { you} Hi, Dear Friend! Are you O.k? Thank you for your letter. I miss you so much and decided to write you a message. As far as I know you had unforgettable summer holidays. Please call me as soon as possible as I want to know more about your plans for the weekend. Hope I’ll spend them with you. It would be great. It’s time to go now. Waiting for your call. Bye for now. Hug you.
You will hear part of a conversation between a customer and a sales person for an Internet service provider. For questions 1-8 decide whether the statements are True or False. speednet
Modern communication advantages disadvantages
5 lines (cinq means five in French) cinquain 5 lines (cinq means five in French) - the first line is a general word (communication); - the second line consists of two adjectives which describe this word; - the third line includes 3 verbs on the topic; - the fourth line is the main idea of your “ poem” (It must consist of 3-4 words) - the last line is a resume.
Использованные ресурсы. 1.Учебник Laser FCE Macmillan 2.Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику Laser FCE Macmillan 3. CD к учебнику Laser FCE Macmillan 4.http/ 5.http/www.bug.hr_cache