TO EMBARGO OR NOT TO EMBARGO The University of Southern Mississippi Graduate School Office of Dissertation, Nursing Capstone Project, & Thesis Review Reviewer – Jeanne Stewart 601-266-4372 projects-theses-formerly-graduate-reader
The University policy on embargo: An embargo (hold) on the release of your dissertation, nursing capstone project, or thesis is allowed in Aquila and ProQuest. Embargoes are not encouraged by The University of Southern Mississippi, but may be requested for one of the following reasons: A patent application based on the research is imminent or has been submitted for approval to the U.S. Patent Office. The research is proprietary. A book or journal publication is expected, and the publisher has asked for the embargo. The decision to embargo should be agreed upon by both the student and the committee chair.
What embargo period may be chosen? No embargo (hold) – the dissertation, nursing capstone project, or thesis will be released by the Reviewer upon completion. The document will be available electronically on Aquila immediately after the Reviewer posts it. It will be available on ProQuest approximately 4-6 weeks after the Reviewer posts it. Six Months One Year Two Years If an embargo period is chosen, the Reviewer will make sure the embargo period matches on Aquila & ProQuest, and both services will automatically “hold” the document for the specified period of time. No embargo is preferable, but if an embargo is necessary, choose the shortest period of time possible in the given circumstances. *The embargo period may not be changed once the document has been posted to Aquila and ProQuest without approval from the Reviewer and the Dean of the Graduate School. ProQuest may charge the graduate a fee for this change
Why you should not embargo, unless absolutely necessary: *Having your research on Aquila & ProQuest may help you get a job. You can provide a link to your document in your resume or directly to a prospective employer. *An employer who is looking for a new employee may find it on their own – your work can be found in Google, Yahoo, etc. once it is posted. *If your research is unique or groundbreaking, it is a good idea to “get it out there” so that someone else doesn’t beat you to the punch. *Other researchers may benefit from your research, and they will have to cite you. *The reputation of this University and your department is enhanced by having your research published.
Why Are Students Choosing To Embargo Their Work?
Christine Brown, Texas A & M University
Embargo is your choice? Do you have a reasonable chance of getting a publisher? Are you sure the publisher will care that your document is available on Aquila and ProQuest? If you already have a deal, check with the publishers’ representatives. Remember, that the publisher is likely to have you rewrite, rearrange, and reformat the document. It may bear little resemblance to your dissertation, nursing capstone, or thesis. The market for theses, dissertations, and nursing capstones may be quite different than the market for your publisher. If you still want to embargo – choose the shortest period of time possible. If you are awaiting a patent and/or your work is proprietary, embargo may be a necessary option. Please choose the shortest embargo period possible.
Consider your choices well. Open Access Is Encouraged by your University. “Today knowledge has power. It controls access to opportunity and advancement.” Peter Drucker