Praying through Ruth 1:8-18 (You will want a Bible) Slide lasts 1 minute Slide 1/5
Get into a comfortable position. PREPARE Get into a comfortable position. Let your muscles and mind begin to quiet as you come before God in prayer Take a deep breath Ask God to make his presence known around and within you Turn your palms up in a gesture to receive Slide lasts 1 minute Slide 2/5
THANK Give thanks to God for one or two blessings you have received this week Slide lasts 2 minutes Slide 3/5
Slowly read Ruth 1.8-18 2/3 times through Savour each portion READ THE TEXT SLOWLY Slowly read Ruth 1.8-18 2/3 times through Savour each portion Keep listening to God’s ‘still small voice’ This is about listening to God so See which verses or phrases particularly resonate with you (5mins) Slide lasts 5 minutes Slide 4/5
Then take that phrase and keep reading it over and over MEMORISE IT Then take that phrase and keep reading it over and over Let God take it deep, past your mind and into your heart Don’t be afraid of distractions Just ask God to bring you back Speak to God about what he’s brought up for you Rest in God’s embrace Slide won’t move Slide 5/5