Lithuanian-Swiss Cooperation Programme Baltic Retreat September 7 – 9, 2016
Progress report 2016 Health sector programme Progress Introduction of energy efficient technologies into the Lithuanian hospitals providing perinatal and neonatal health care services - 19 MCHF (24 hospitals) The objective of the Project is to improve quality of health care in perinatal and neonatal health care services as well as to contribute to the reduction of environmental pollution in Lithuania Progress Activities related to engineering services: preparation of technical projects and/or technical expertise in process: solar collectors (for 17 hospitals): 10 hospitals photovoltaic power stations (for 13 hospitals): 5 hospitals technical projects prepared and /or expertise done main activities (including LED): completed by all 22 hospitals solar collectors: 7 hospitals photovoltaic power stations: 8 hospitals
Progress report 2016 Progress Activities related to works: implementation of works contracts‘ in process: main activities (including LED): 4 hospitals solar collectors: 13 hospitals photovoltaic power stations: 13 hospitals works completed: main activities (including LED): 18 hospitals solar collectors: 4 hospitals photovoltaic power stations: 0 hospitals solar collectors: 13 hospitals (jei kam kils klausimų, kodėl darbai vyksta, kol projektas dar ruošiamas, tai galima paaiškinti, kad vyksta paruošiamieji darbai, matavimai, saulės modulių užsakymas, gaminimas ir pan.)
Progress report 2016 Progress Visual example of photovoltaic power station (Kaunas Clinics): solar collectors: 13 hospitals (jei kam kils klausimų, kodėl darbai vyksta, kol projektas dar ruošiamas, tai galima paaiškinti, kad vyksta paruošiamieji darbai, matavimai, saulės modulių užsakymas, gaminimas ir pan.)
Progress report 2016 Progress Visual example of photovoltaic power station (Kaunas Clinics): solar collectors: 13 hospitals (jei kam kils klausimų, kodėl darbai vyksta, kol projektas dar ruošiamas, tai galima paaiškinti, kad vyksta paruošiamieji darbai, matavimai, saulės modulių užsakymas, gaminimas ir pan.)
Progress report 2016 Progress Visual example of solar collectors(Tauragė hospital): solar collectors: 13 hospitals (jei kam kils klausimų, kodėl darbai vyksta, kol projektas dar ruošiamas, tai galima paaiškinti, kad vyksta paruošiamieji darbai, matavimai, saulės modulių užsakymas, gaminimas ir pan.)
Progress report 2016 Progress Activities related to programme management: management related activities (audit, translation, publicity) conducted by EAs in accordance to the implementation status of concrete project publicity event organised by Kaunas Republican hospital (1 June) on 17 August the tender for procurement of energy audit was launched by MoH periodical technical meetings between the IB, CPMA and NCU organised hospitals constantly monitored (visits to all hospitals, phone consultations etc.) by the IB and CPMA 47 on-the-spot checks carried out by CPMA
Progress report 2016 Health sector programme Progress Improvement of perinatal and neonatal health care services in Lithuania - 26,6 MCHF The objective of the Project is to improve quality of health care services to pregnant, delivering women and neonates, to improve collection of statistic data on the health of pregnant, delivering women and neonates as well as to expand the possibilities of sharing and analysing the collected data Progress Medical equipment 10 procurements are on-going 74 contracts signed (in total) for delivery and installation of equipment (for 116 titles) 94 kinds of equipment are installed in hospitals. Delivery of equipment is being continued.
Progress report 2016 Progress Repair works Implementation of works completed at all 9 hospitals (last 3 finished in August) Other activities (originally planned) Development of computer data base on-going. Contract on additional functionalities signed on 19 July. Raising professional competence and modern technology using skills of health care specialists: activity completed in December 2015 (in total: 2337 participants from 32 hospitals (1300 originally planned)) Preparation of 70 guidelines and protocols: activity completed in November 2014 3 reanimobiles for the neonates transportation: activity completed in July 2015.
Progress report 2016 Progress Other activities (additionally approved) Baby friendly hospital initiative: contract signed on 2 June, implementation in process. WHO document „Baby-friendly hospital initiative. Revised, updated and expanded for integrated care“ translated and adapted for specialists‘ usage. Trainings for participants engaged in the provision of obstetric and neonatal services due to keep skills: contract signed on 2 June, implementation in process. WHO document „Hospital care for mothers and newbor babies: quality assessment and improvement tool “ translated and adapted for specialists‘ usage. Routine ultrasound examination of pregnant women. Developed guidelines and protocols of diagnostics and treatment in obstetrics and neonatology adaption to practical use: contract signed on 2 August, implementation in process.
Progress report 2016 Progress Partnership plan Programme management Activity completed (amended plan was submitted to SCO in January 2016) Programme management management related activities (audit, translation, publicity) conducted by EA benefit of the programme presented during publicity event organised by Kaunas Republican hospital (1 June) periodical technical meetings between the IB, CPMA and NCU organised (EA invited if needed) 14 on-the-spot checks carried out by CPMA
Progress report 2016 Research and development sector Research and development programme - 9,052 MCHF Aim – to support joint research and institutional partnerships projects Progress Implementation of 11 joint research projects completed, financial audits done, 7 final reports (incl. final payment claims) approved, 4 are being processed by CPMA 9 institutional partnership projects close to completion Procedures for termination of contract with external financial audit company are on- going Procurement documents for programme evaluation services are being developed by MoES Final conference was organized on 26 May 2016 (126 participants) 15 on-the-spot checks carried out by CPMA
Progress report 2016 Individual project Progress The creation and implementation of the system for video transmission, recording and storage in courts - 1,77 MCHF Overall objective – to create a system which allows arranging remote court sessions, recording and preserving materials of these sessions in the electronic form Progress Activities and reporting completed 94% of the funds used Technical improvements (incl. ~300 computers for judges and their assistants) additionally procured for better functioning of video-conferencing system and it‘s broader usage 369 video conferences were held by courts (in January – July 2016). (in 2015 243 video conferences were held)
Progress report 2016 Block grant Progress NGO Fund - 5,553 MCHF Overall aims: to promote civil society’s contribution to economic and social cohesion as an important actor of development and participation to contribute to the further development of the NGO sector in Lithuania Progress Fund implementation and reporting completed 99% of the funds used (12 additional sub-projects financed) CPMA monitor post completion obligations of NGOs` (monitoring will be carried out for five years from the date of completion of the NGO Fund)
Operational plan (September 2016 to June 2017) Introduction of energy efficient technologies into the Lithuanian hospitals providing perinatal and neonatal health care services Programme management To implement publicity activities (videos, press releases, websites, information billboards, etc.) (continuously) Programme evaluation (II phase) conducted (October - December 2016) To sign contract for energy audit services (October 2016) and conduct audits at hospitals (4Q/2016 – 1Q/2017) Final conference on programme results organised (March 2017) Programme direct costs
Operational plan (September 2016 to June 2017) Improvement of perinatal and neonatal health care services in Lithuania Medical equipment To conclude last 10 tenders: 6 in September 2016, 2 in October 2016, 2 in November 2016 To continue the delivery of equipment to beneficiary hospitals Computer database To develop and prepare for usage the IT database (December 2016)
Operational plan (September 2016 to June 2017) Improvement of perinatal and neonatal health care services in Lithuania Other activities Baby-friendly hospital initiative: to prepare assessors (November 2016) to carry out trainings for hospitals’ seeking for Baby-friendly hospital status personal (November 2016) to evaluate hospitals seeking for Baby-friendly hospital status (December 2016) Routine ultrasound examination of pregnant women. Developed guidelines and protocols of diagnostics and treatment in obstetrics and neonatology adaption to practical use: to carry out ultrasound examination in the first trimester of pregnancy trainings (November 2016) to adapt prepared guidelines and protocols of diagnostics and treatment in obstetrics and neonatology for practical use for specialists (handbooks and App) (December 2016)
Operational plan (September 2016 to June 2017) Improvement of perinatal and neonatal health care services in Lithuania Other activities Trainings for participants engaged in the provision of obstetric and neonatal services due to keep skills: to develop two guidelines and protocols in obstetrics and neonatology development (“Ethical issues and recommendations in obstetric and neonatal assistance” and “Quality assessment and improvement tool”) (September 2016) to establish Simulation centers and to train specialists (December 2016)
Operational plan (September 2016 to June 2017) Improvement of perinatal and neonatal health care services in Lithuania Programme management To implement publicity activities (videos, press releases, websites, information billboards, etc.) (continuously) Programme evaluation (II phase) conducted (October - December 2016) To organise closing events: closing event „Safe mother and safe newborn“ (EA) (December 2016) final conference on programme results (IB) (March 2017)
Operational plan (September 2016 to June 2017) Research and development programme Institutional partnership projects To complete implementation of the institutional partnership projects (September, October 2016) To conduct evaluation of annual reports (November 2016) Other activities To procure programme external evaluation services (September/October 2016) To conduct programme external evaluation activity (November 2016 – January 2017) To conclude new contract for external financial audit services (September 2016) To conduct the final financial audit (September 2016 – April 2017)
Expenditures and Reimbursements in 2016-2017 Programme 2016 2017 Eligible expenditures Reimbursement 1st health sector programme (Introduction of energy efficient technologies) 10 711 851,58 6 696 285,41 1 140 716,53 7 740 716,53 2nd health sector programme (Improvement of perinatal and neonatal health care services) 10 469 893,80 7 135 903,13 432 459,72 8 782 459,72 Research and development 2 498 703,80 2 751 882,73 64 639,64 1 264 639,64 Individual project (on video conferencing system) 17 921,27 402 784,14 0,00 NGO Fund Project Preparation Facility (PPF) Technical Assistance Fund (TAF) 327 042,00 156 090,76 111 354,00 Total 24 025 412,45 17 142 946,17 1 749 169,89 18 114 857,89
Thank you Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania Lukiškų str. 2, LT-01512 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel. + 370 5 239 0000, Fax + 370 5 279 1481 E-mail: Central Project Management Agency S. Konarskio str. 13, LT-03109 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel. +370 5 251 4400, Fax. +370 5 251 4401 E-mail: