PhD presentation for internationals Zsolt Horváth
Who ARE WE? Doctoral AND Academic affairs Leader: Béla Stipich General issues with your studies: Katalin Kincsi Tuition paying students: Zsuzsanna Izsákné formanek Courses and advice: Mónika marlYin, borbála lovas, Zsolt horváth Doctoral procedure: Péter vörös, péter hevő
Let’s Start with the basics: Doctoral Training Student status You have to have a mentor! (or more) Training period: Before 2016: 36 month/3 year/180 credit + doctoral procedure after 2016: 48 month/4 year/240 credit
“Old system” before 2016 In 3 years Min 14 credit/semester 16 lecture (all in PhD code)-112 credit Min 3 publication Scientific work (teaching) Min 14 credit/semester
“New system” since 2016 2 period Training and research period (1-4th semester) 120 credit Courses (8)+ consultation (4) + research Passive status in Neptun Comprehensive Exam (end of 4th semester)- requirement for the 2th period! Research and dissertation period (5-8th semester) Consultation (4) + research Maximum 2 passive semester Min 20 credit / semester
Great I am Enrolled- What is next? Contact with your mentor ( or Check the deadlines – ACADEMIC CALENDAR NEPTUN-courses
Deadlines Collection of deadlines: 2017-2018__szi_f_l_v- .pdf Course taking period: 11-29 September Requests concerning self paying students: 2 October Deadline for tuition fee: 31 October (NEPTUN) Delay Fee!
NEPTUN Registration before every semester Course taking period Courses Research and Educational courses Exam period Grades and scientific or educational results ONLY ELECTRONIC ADMINISTRATION OF CREDITS!
How should I take courses? Look for the curriculum- Ask your mentor! Take your courses! Who can help me? I can’t find it!
Useful Information “Magyar Tudományos Művek Tára”: • “Országos Doktori Tanács” database: • Can I work next to my studies? –rule: EDSz 39.§ –Permission procedure order: KDSz 41.§
Doctoral Procedure- Péter Vörös To get the degree you have to start a doctoral procedure Parts of the procedure: Debate inside the Program Comprehensive exam Submitting your Thesis Defending your Thesis 2 Language Exam No student benefits during the procedure
Deadlines After pre-degree certificate max 3 years to start After the start: 2 years to submit the dissertation Debate inside the Program min 90 DAYS before submitting the dissertation Comprehensive exam- anytime until the thesis defence
How to start the procedure? By submitting the necessary documents Paying the procedure fee: 160 000 HUF (30 + 130) New system: You have to submit your thesis 3 years after your compREHENSIVE exam, process start after submitting
Procedure before pre-degree certificate After 6 semester with HUNGARIAN STATE scholarship! Half of the thesis Recommendation Committee decide No procedure fee
Dissertation submission- Péter Hevő The dissertation must be submitted in 6 copies: 3 hardcover and 3 paperback statement of the supervisor that the dissertation is admissible for public debate. The supervisor should also state in writing if he or she does not consider the dissertation ready for public debate. Without this declaration, we cannot accept the dissertation 10-10 copies of the summary of the dissertation in Hungarian and English
1 CD, containing the dissertation itself and the summaries in Hungarian and English list of publications (10 copies), signed by the supervisor CV in 10 copies, written in Sg.3 Infos and cover design: or
Useful links • •
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