National CAP Briefing Maj Gen Joseph Vazquez, CAP/CC Mr. Don Rowland, CAP/CO I’m pleased to present on behalf of our national commander and chief executive officer, Maj Gen Joe Vazquez and Chief Operating Officer Don Rowland, highlights of CAP members’ major initiatives and accomplishments over the past year, as well as our plans for the future.
Youth Programs CAP’s youth programs are dynamic, relevant and nationally award-winning. 2
STEM STEM initiatives reach about 25,000 cadets and 150,000 K-12 students nationwide. What can be more dynamic than our STEM initiatives, reaching about 25,000 cadets and 150,000 K-12 students nationwide? Our STEM kits are used to inspire these youth to explore careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Plans are underway to double the number of STEM kits in our library. 3
Career Exploration 45+ National Cadet Special Activities inspire cadets to pursue many other careers. Through 45-plus National Cadet Special Activities, cadets are exposed to a wide range of many other career fields, including flying, aircraft maintenance and manufacturing, cyberspace operations, robotics and emergency services. Many of the nation’s astronauts, pilots, engineers and scientists first explored their careers in CAP. 4
CyberPatriot CAP teams have taken home top awards in this national competition every year since its inception. Through its record participation in AFA’s CyberPatriot competition, CAP cadets’ ability to master the cutting-edge field of cyber defense annually attracts the national spotlight. Our cadets were named national champions in 2011 and 2012. In 2013, the South Dakota team finished first in competition to operate and secure a basic network. Last year, the California team won the inaugural middle school championship. In 2015, the South Dakota team was the national runner-up in a field of close to 1,000 teams. Our cadets are certain to be major players in cyber defense in the future. Post competition surveys show a 57% increase in cyber security career opportunities. We are preparing our cadets for the future! 5
ACE Aerospace Connections in Education touches the lives of over 19,000 K-6 kids in 32 states annually. CAP has expanded its youth leadership curriculum to include K-6 students. The Aerospace Connections in Education, or ACE, program is driven by grade-specific studies that enrich classroom academics, character education and physical fitness for over 19,000 children in 32 states. By the look on these kids’ faces, it’s apparent the program is working! 6
Congressional Gold Medal The Congressional Gold Medal is a top story in CAP’s 75-year history. Recognition of our founding members’ World War II service with the Congressional Gold Medal was a milestone event for Civil Air Patrol. This honor has attracted significant media attention across America, with upwards of 1,000 print, broadcast and social media stories to date. I salute each of you for your contributions to this important public service initiative, which has told millions who we are and what we do. This is a game-changer! CAP’s recognition for our history of selfless service is now history but we are not done yet…we are making history each and every day. 7
Missions and Technology Last year, CAP performed over 860 search and rescue missions and saved 69 lives. CAP was credited by the Air Force Rescue Coordination Center with saving 69 lives. Many of these saves were the result of CAP’s cell phone forensics and national radar analysis teams. What we do in service to the citizens of our communities across the nation is truly invaluable. 8
Air Defense Exercises CAP helps train fighter units all over the country to defend our nation. Our aircrews help prepare fighter units for homeland security missions at home and abroad. CAP is an essential partner in this critical training. 9
Aerial Photo Reconnaissance Aerial photography is one of CAP’s top emergency service missions. CAP is also in high demand by FEMA nationwide for its well-proven geo-tagging photo technology. CAP provided more than 158,000 images in response to Hurricane Sandy with members from 20 wings and 3 regions responding. 10
Counterdrug CAP’s missions also include a major role in counterdrug activity. Members also play a major role in helping curtail drug activity throughout the United States. Last year, CAP helped law enforcement agencies seize $1.2 billion in illegal drugs and currency, leading to 753 arrests. 11
Safety “The pursuit of safety isn’t just a priority. It is the central guiding value of everything we do.” - CAP National Commander The diversity of Civil Air Patrol’s missions, locations, and membership demands that CAP adopt a new all-encompassing approach to safety. Patterned after the FAA’s and The U.S. Air Force’s “Safety Management System”, CAP’s new safety program focuses on risk management in all our activities. Processes and tools are being put in place to help every member avoid hazards, while keeping their fellow members safe to perform their missions for America 12
Support from the USAF New vehicles 2015 – 59 2016 – 56 New planes 2015 – 17 2016 – 15 $33M in communication equipment 753 field computers in FY15 Just as a side note, 452 of 753 computers deployed in FY15 refreshed the remaining NHQ issued end of life Windows XP field laptops. 13
Community Service CAP’s annual community volunteer service is valued at $165 million. At the heart of CAP’s volunteer service is local impact. The value of CAP’s service to the nation’s communities is $165 million. One major initiative is Wreaths Across America, in which CAP honors the nation’s fallen at hundreds of veterans cemeteries and memorials at home and abroad. 14
The Future Now let’s look to our future. 15
Professional Development Professional development is being revamped to enhance members’ leadership skills. 2016 National Staff College 3-10 April 2016 Maxwell AFB Over the past several years the Professional Development program has emphasized program management skills. Now the emphasis turns to leadership. This multi-year project will examine professional development at all levels of CAP and for all members … from our newest members to our national leaders.
Cadet Program Initiatives Smarter and faster way to outfit cadets with Amazon-class service. Redesigned cadet competition program makes participation of average squadron possible. What transforms a kid into a cadet? The uniform. The new Curry Blues Voucher is a smarter, faster way to outfit cadets. Squadrons and/or parents are still responsible for providing the BDUs, but now CAP will provide the blues, plus make related insignia and shoes available through a $100 voucher redeemable at Vanguard. The result will be one-stop shopping for parents, Amazon-class service, and sharp-looking, motivated cadets who have earned the voucher by completing the Curry Achievement. ==== The redesigned cadet competition program is now more relevant to the great majority of the Cadet Corps, instead of being a niche activity that appealed to a minority of cadets. Team size has been reduced to six cadets, putting the competition within reach of the average squadron. New rules in events like the uniform inspection make the competition less expensive, and therefore more accessible. And, with the drill portion focusing on color guard, Cadet Competition is more practical and useful because color guards can be active in their communities after the competition in ways drill teams could not. Beginning June 1, when a cadet orders blues online from Vanguard, he/she will be given a $100 credit toward the purchase of blues uniform items. Also, we are pleased to announce that more cadets will be able to participate in the National Cadet Competition in the future as a result of the expansion of our color guard competition. 17
CAP Foundation What better way to recognize a CAP member who has made a real difference in your unit than to purchase a brick for the Heritage Park. Bricks with 3 lines of text and 6 lines are available on the CAP Foundation website: All proceeds go to the Cadet Programs Permanent Endowment held by the Foundation. The Foundation is now postured to support CAP’s programs and members both in the near term as well as the future. It is actively pursuing new ways to expands its programs and support of CAP and its missions. In addition to working hard to encourage members to support CAP through wills and bequests, the Foundation was able to provide eight cadets with a scholarship to be used to obtain their private pilot license. Both the Foundation and the Development office are dedicated to seeking out additional funding sources to reduce the pressure on member financed activities.
CAP Foundation Continued Resources for CAP Units The Development office and the Foundation are resources available for assistance. Combined Federal Campaign application support and grant writing assistance. Employer matching gift programs. Scholarship opportunities through the CAP Foundation. Estate Planning and gifts in memorial. CAP personnel are available to provide direct assistance to units requesting guidance on fund raising opportunities.
75th Anniversary Overall Goals: Leverage Celebration to Increase Public Awareness; Help Recruit New Members & Retain Current Ones Key Events: Legislative Day Kickoff in DC Region and Wing Conferences EAA, AOPA & Local airshows/fly-ins AFA Air & Space Conference Dec 2016 Anniversary Dinner in DC
Recruiting and Retention Member recruitment is a top national initiative. In keeping with the need to tell our stories is a need to do that one-on-one with potential members, which is our best recruiting tool. As we all know, our membership numbers have been on a downward trend in recent years and General Vazquez has asked everyone to make recruitment a top priority. In addition, our NCO program, in which members in the military can join CAP at the same rank, is an excellent recruiting option that should not be overlooked. 21
Sharing Our Stories Branding and other media initiatives enhance CAP’s public awareness. All of us recognize the impact of Civil Air Patrol’s service, and the achievements highlighted in this report are stories every American should know. Sharing them is a top priority for the national staff, and should be just as important to every member as well. An initial step in ensuring CAP is consistently represented nationwide is provided in the CAP branding master plan and branding resource guide on National Headquarters’ PA homepage. We are requesting that all members use the basic tools recommended in these documents to ensure CAP’s brand is always readily recognizable. To come is a social media strategy designed to complement our branding initiatives, which will further empower members to share CAP’s stories. 22
2016 National Conference Save the Date 11-13 August Nashville, TN Gaylord Opryland Convention Center
Happy Anniversary Year, CAP!