A new internet age, censorship Domain Name System Blacklisting A new internet age, censorship
What is the Domain Name System? Website Address Google BBC Ebay Yahoo [Correct on December 2011]
What is the Domain Name System? Website Address Domain Name Google google.com BBC bbc.co.uk Ebay ebay.co.uk Yahoo yahoo.com [Correct on December 2011]
What is the Domain Name System? Internet Service Provider Root Domain Namespace Name server Internet User
How is censorship related? Website Address Domain Name Google google.com BBC bbc.co.uk Ebay ebay.co.uk Yahoo yahoo.com Example example.com
Where is censorship used?
Max length =63 Cannot start or end with a symbol Is the DNS big enough? label Max length =63 Cannot start or end with a symbol 16.92x1096 domain 280 TLDs x 280 . 4.737x1099
Is the DNS big enough? 59.987.436.980 IPv4 can represent 4x109 4.737x1099 Domain names 76E4:3A80:BC17:350A:6532:BC5F:0094:34D6 IPv6 can represent 18x1018
What’s next?
References Internet Corporation For Assigned Names and Numbers. (13-August-2010). 'What Does ICANN Do?'. Retrieved from http://www.icann.org/en/participate/what-icann-do.html ICCAN British Broadcasting Corp. (7-March-2007). 'Turkish court bans YouTube access'. Retrieved from http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/6427355.stm Robert Tait for The Guardian. (26-August-2008). 'Turkish court lifts YouTube ban after online censorship protest'. Retrieved from http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/aug/26/turkey.youtube Hürriyet Daily News. (15-May-2011). 'Thousands rally against web censorship in Turkey'. Retrieved from http://archive.hurriyetdailynews.com/n.php?n=do-not-touch-my-internet- chanted-thousands-2011-05-15
British Broadcasting Company. (26-October-2011) British Broadcasting Company. (26-October-2011). 'BT given 14 days to block access to Newzbin'. Retrieved from http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-15459005 Mr Smith of Texas. (26-October-2011). 'To promote prosperity, creativity, entrepreneurship, and innovation by combating the theft of U.S. property, and for other purposes'. Retrieved from http://judiciary.house.gov/hearings/pdf/112%20HR%203261.pdf Julianne Pepitone for CNN Money. (16-November-2011). 'Tech giants say SOPA piracy bill is 'draconian''. Retrieved from http://money.cnn.com/2011/11/16/technology/sopa/index.htm Fight for the Future. (November-2011). 'Call to Stop SOPA and PROTECT IP'. Retrieved from http://americancensorship.org/ Kim Davies for ICANN. (March-2009). ‘How many top-level domains are there?’. Retrieved from http://blog.icann.org/2009/03/tld-census/