Generate 2017 – Intergenerational Worship Saturday March 18 Chris Barnett Review of “intergenerational” Engage Together – an example Developing intergenerational worship ideas Questions and Comments
Intergenerational ministry – Some Definitions “Two or more different age groups…together learning, growing, living in faith through in-common experiences, parallel learning, contributive occasions, and interactive sharing” - James White “Intentional intergenerational strategies…encourage interpersonal interactions across generational boundaries…sense of mutuality and respect is encouraged between participants” – Alan Harkness
Intergenerationality – Two things to highlight 1. This is far more than worship 2. This is us far more than just about children
Intergenerationality - for the whole church A core value An attitude/disposition A philosophy of ministry Encompassing all aspects of our life together
Intergenerationality - for the whole church Caring Praying Learning Celebrating Serving Ref. Generations Together
Inter-generational Comprehensive mutuality, equality & reciprocity Individual/collective transformation more likely
Intergenerational Worship The practice of facilitating, hosting and celebrating the shared life and connections of all and any generations together.
A Word on Worship – Intergenerational Worship Q A Word on Worship – Intergenerational Worship Intergenerational Worship = Multi-Age with an intergenerational overlay Multi-age, Multi-ability, Multi-sensory, Multi-intelligence Facilitating, hosting and celebrating the shared life and connections of all and any generations together
Benefits of multi-age engagement Children & young people benefit Adults benefit Visitors or people on the fringe benefit People with a variety of learning styles benefit Planning teams benefit Church benefits Ref. All-Age Lectionary Services
Be clear Use senses and emotions Use story Include participation Use invitation Integrate content Repetition Be real
Tips for Intergenerational Worship Ensure explanations, invitations and directions are clear so that participants know expectations • Use language that is hospitable, invitational, inclusive and understandable to those present • Provide opportunities for interaction of small intergenerational groups within worship • Include fun, excitement and surprise in the context of genuine worship • Give a high priority to visuals and kinaesthetic engagement • Provide multi-sensory experiences, including touch and taste as well as sight and hearing • Involve a number of different people — representing a range of generations — in various aspects of the service • Make sure invitations to programmed movement (eg actions, dancing, clapping during songs) are inclusive of all present and respectful of different abilities
Engage together – Intergenerational Worship Ideas Why? How? What?
Engage together – Intergenerational Worship Ideas Activity For your allocated week have a go at turning it into an intentionally intergenerational worship experience
Engage together – Intergenerational Worship Ideas Activity Share one of your ideas with another group. Listen to their feedback. Work together to enhance your idea.
Intergenerational Worship Questions?