Ohio State University International Students coming 11-15 March 2017 International Student Ministry Hosting Ohio State University International Students coming 11-15 March 2017
Sharing Christ with International Students Ministry To Host Ohio State International Students Sharing Christ with International Students Why host International Students for Ohio State University? To be introduced to other cultures. Show how Americans live. Share Christ with students just learning who He is. Show how Christ impacts our lives. Create lasting relationships that change lives and cultures.
Sharing Christ with International Students Ministry To Host Ohio State International Students Sharing Christ with International Students Dates: 11-15 March (Saturday 5 PM – Wednesday 8 AM). 40 Students and 8 staff members (8) Students can be: From various international countries and religions. Vary in age and gender Married or single Needed: Families to host 1 to 3 students/staff. We work with host family to meet their capacity and comfort level. Families are to just do the normal things you do every day. Do not do anything special
Ohio State International Students Ministry To Host Ohio State International Students Host Family Responsibilities/Expectations Pick up students at a Saturday potluck dinner @ MBC. Bring to 9:00 a.m. service on Sunday. Provide breakfast, sack lunch, and dinner each day. They will have dinner out Monday night as a group. Drop off and pick up students at nearest Metro. Be yourselves.
Sign up to Host – Micah Wang - micahnwang@gmail.com McLean Bible has hosted students from the Ohio State University for 19 years. Many students have grown in love with Jesus on these trips. 2016 Students and Host at 9 AM MBC worship service Sign up to Host – Micah Wang - micahnwang@gmail.com
What we organizers of the trip are doing: Saturday night 5:30 PM Open potluck to all TeamMates/Family Matters members to feed and meet the Students and Staff from Ohio State. Create a Facebook site to keep folks communicating and up-to-date. Offer cultural training session Saturday night at 5 PM before the students arrive Offer resources to help hosts feel comfortable with students and understand the country the students are from.
To volunteer to be a host family, contact: Sam & MicahWang Contact Information To volunteer to be a host family, contact: Sam & MicahWang Micah Wang - micahnwang@gmail.com
International Student Hosting Ministry Leadership Sam & Micah Wang micahnwang@gmail.com Teammates Coordinators Kirby & Barbara Johnson Family Matters Coordinators First Light Coordinator Walt Okon walt.okon@verizon.net kingsolmon06@gmail.com seattleslewhi7@gmail.com Chinese Fellowship Coordinator Wei You Pot Luck Dinner Lead Pauletta & Jim Fallabel us@fallabel.com info@fallabel.com Filipino Fellowship Coordinator Rosie Go-Okon rosiego.okon@Verizon.net
International Student Hosting Ministry Leadership Immediate Ministry needs: Host families are needed to sign up now for 11-15 March From Teammates From Family Matters From Chinese Fellowship From Filipino Fellowship From First Light Micah Wang