Adult Life Group Announcements for 4-10-11
Welcome Brent and Jill Dyer! Today our worship leader is Brent Dyer. He and his family are coming to CFBC in “view of a call” to be our next worship pastor. Pray for him and his family Be ready to worship!
Easter Schedule 9:00am Blended Worship in the Main Worship Center 11:00am Contemporary Worship in the Main WC 11:00 Spanish Service in the FLC Worship Center No Life Groups; Childcare is available for kids ages birth – Kindergarten
Got paper, old electronics and the like will be received. Go GREEN COMMUNITY ELECTRONICS RECYCLING & DOCUMENT SHREDDING DAY When: Saturday, April 16th ~~ Noon – 4:00pm Where: Champion Forest Baptist Church Got paper, old electronics and the like will be received. Go GREEN Shred Pro Services
True North Outfitters April 21 Got Critters?! Join us at 7pm in FL102 for an informative night of the issues that arise out of competing eco-systems. TPWD Urban Biologist, Keith Crenshaw will be talking about strategies.
National Day of Prayer We are observing this historic day May 5 with a prayer breakfast that morning and a prayer rally May 4 during our Wednesday night service. Get your ticket for the breakfast today at the atrium booth
VBS/VBX Volunteers Needed VBS/VBX this year will be June 13–17th, 9–noon, as we travel to New York for The Big Apple Adventure Registration is open to all kids, age 5 (before Aug 31st & entering K in the fall) through completed 4th grade. Online registration will begin May 1. We are looking for phenomenal volunteers for our VBS. If you would like to volunteer to help with VBS or VBX this year, there are volunteer cards in the Life Group attendance boxes, or you can fill out the form in the worship folder or visit
GIFTS FOR OUR CFBC TROOPS…”CHRISTMAS IN JUNE” The CFBC Military Ministry is collecting “goodies” to send to our CFBC Troops stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan from now until May 1. A list of items is in each Adult LG Class and also at the Military Ministry Booth. Items may be dropped off at the Military Ministry Booth. Please join us to help pack the items to send to our troops on Saturday, May 7.
Global Media Outreach You are invited to be an online missionary through Global Media Outreach, and touch the world with the Gospel right from your home! Come to the booth in the atrium to find out how to impact the world.
T.O.W. - Temporarily Out of Work Ministry Join us on Fridays at 7:30 am in room AE -107/117 to regain the practical skills and knowledge to help in the job search. For more information, contact Debbie at or 281-440-3800
Gospel Lakes We are excited... the Spring day-camps for Gospel Lakes are just around the corner and will start in March! Here are the Camp dates that still need volunteers at this time. April 16, 23, May 14 If you, your Life Group is interested in serving, please contact Robert Cossick at ASAP so we can get you on the schedule.