The Worship of the Church Lesson 15: The Worship of the Church
The Worship of the Church God Created Man with an Instinctive Need to Worship. Created in God’s image, man is innately designed to seek Him (Acts 17:26-27). Sometimes, when there is no proper instruction, this instinct will lead to worshiping the wrong image (Ex. 32:8; 2 Kgs. 21:3; Dan. 3:7; Acts 10:25; 14:12-18; 17:16; Rev. 22:8). By following proper instruction, there is something intensely thrilling and satisfying about worshiping God (Psa. 26:8; 27:4-6; 42:1-2; Psa. 122:1). One of the first recorded activities of man in the Bible was worship (Gen. 4:3-5).
The Worship of the Church God Has Always Provided Mankind with Instruction Regarding Acceptable Worship. The first record of worship in the Bible (in Genesis 4:3-5) shows there is such a thing as acceptable worship and such a thing as unacceptable worship. God continued to provide instruction through the Mosaic and Christian Dispensations. It is essential that worshipers understand and offer acceptable worship to God!
The Worship of the Church God Has Warned Christians About Worship That Is Not Acceptable. Idol worship is not acceptable to God (1 Cor. 10:14). Ignorant worship is not acceptable to God (Acts 17:23). Vain worship is not acceptable to God (Matt. 15:8-9). Will-worship is not acceptable to God (Col. 2:23). Since Scripture devotes so much space to addressing worship that is not acceptable to God: Man must be diligent to investigate Scripture for what is acceptable to God. Man must be vigilant to inspect his worship and ensure it is God- approved.
The Worship of the Church God Has Clearly Defined True and Acceptable Worship for Christians. The primary Greek word for “worship” is a compound word, proskuneo. True and acceptable worship is a definite act that: One performs, with a start and a finish to it. Requires one’s full participation to accomplish it fully. These passages also help us to understand that “all of life” is not worship, as some have attempted to teach. All that we do as a Christian is not worship! True and acceptable worship is a solemn, sacred and holy act!
The Worship of the Church God Has Clearly Detailed the Proper Elements for True and Acceptable Worship. “True worship” is an expression used by Jesus, not invented by man. True worship must be directed TOWARD the proper object – GOD. True worship must be directed FROM the proper attitude – IN SPIRIT. True worship must be directed BY the proper standard – IN TRUTH. True worship—to God in spirit and in truth—is a MUST.
The Worship of the Church God Has Authorized Five Avenues for Worship in the New Testament Church. When the church was established in Acts 2, Scripture records for us that “they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers…praising God and having favor with all the people” (Acts 2:42, 47). God has authorized preaching the Word of God as an avenue of worship. God has authorized giving of our means as an avenue of worship. God has authorized the observance of the Lord’s Supper as an avenue of worship. God has authorized praying to God as an avenue of worship. God has authorized singing together as a congregation as an avenue of worship.
The Worship of the Church God Has NOT Authorized His Church to Worship on the Sabbath Day (Saturday). There are some who contend that the church must worship on the Sabbath (Saturday). The teaching of the Bible regarding Sabbath observance is very clear. In Genesis 2:2-3, “the seventh day” is referenced three times, but not “the Sabbath.” The Sabbath is not mentioned for the first 2,500 years of Bible history (65 chapters).
The Worship of the Church God Has NOT Authorized His Church to Worship on the Sabbath Day (Saturday). The covenant/law that God made at Mt. Sinai included the Ten Commandments. The covenant/law that God made at Mt. Sinai was abrogated by God Himself. God foretold and fulfilled the making of a “new covenant.” The covenant/law that was abrogated included the Ten Commandments. The covenant (including the Ten Commandments) was only “forever” in the sense that it was not to cease within the timeframe for which it was intended. Anyone seeking to be justified by the law of Mt. Sinai (which would include adhering to that old law of “the Sabbath”) is “estranged from Christ” (Gal. 5:4).
The Worship of the Church God Has Authorized His Church to Worship on the Lord’s Day (the First Day of the Week). The day of worship, as authorized by God in the New Testament, is not optional! Under the new covenant, the Lord established a new religion, a new institution, new commandments, a new feast, and a new day to worship—“the Lord’s Day” (Rev. 1:10). The first day of the week has great significance to Christians because of what happened. The first day of the week has great significance to Christians because it does to the Lord!