Advantages and disadvantages of geothermal energy JOLLIFFE Olivia CHANGEUR Paul
Contents How it works Advantages Disadvantages Statistics Sources
How it works
Advantages Considered environmentally friendly and does not cause significant amounts of pollution. Geothermal reservoirs are naturally replenished and therefore renewable Massive potential – upper estimates show a worldwide potential of 2 terawatts (TW). Great for heating and cooling – even small households can benefit. Harnessing geothermal energy does not involve any fuels, which means less cost fluctuations and stable electricity prices. Small footprint on land – can be built partially underground. Geothermal energy is available everywhere
Disadvantages Minor environmental issues associated with geothermal power. Geothermal power plants can, in extreme cases cause earthquakes. Heavy upfront costs associated with both geothermal power plants and geothermal heating/cooling systems. Very location specific (most resources are simply not cost-competitive). Only sustainable (renewable) if the reservoirs are properly managed.
Statistics 90% of geothermal energy produced is in the USA 18% of energy consumption in Iceland comes from geothermal energy almost 100% efficient (the only energy lost is from turbine friction) only 1% CO2 emissions China consume 8724 W of geothermal energy every month Romania has the 3rd highest potential for geothermal energy, based on existing wells
Sources Notes taken in class google image