CCP Sustainable Purchasing Project Workshop 5 Review & Re-Strategise Amelia Chapman- Sustainable Purchasing Project Manager Nelly Belperio- CCP NSW Urban State Manager
Workshop Aims Find out what other councils are doing Build understanding of Milestone 5 process Discuss next steps Network & share experiences The first aim of today is to hear from other councils what they have been doing in the area of sustainable purchasing. This is a great way to get inspired as well as identify common barriers to implementing effective sustainable purchaisng actions. The second aim is to introduce you to the Milestone 5 process. Some councils here have indicated that they will going for Milestone 5 recognition, but even if your council is not ready, you may find the process useful in the future when you come to review your action plan or progression in sustainable purchasing more generally The next aim is to discuss the next steps beyond the project. I will explore this more later on in the workshop. And finally, as with all ICLEI workshops, this is an ideal opportunity for you network, share ideas and experiences and continue to, build on existing relationships. Please feel free to share your thoughts and experiences- both good and bad as this is a valuable way in which other councils can benefit from your lessons. So lets get started. You should have a copy of the agenda on the table. After the welcome and ICLEI update, it would be great if you could each give us an update on sustainable purchasing at your council. We have a special update from the City of Penrith which includes a short presentation on the printer consolidation action they undertook last year, and our hosts Hornsby Shire will be sharing how they are getting on with a carbon neutral project funded through an Accelerated Action Grant. Following the council updates, Phill Scott from Local Government Procurement will give a presentation on how to tender for sustainability. You will also have an opportunity to ask questions about the service Local Government Procurement provide. We will then take a 15 min break. After the break we will have a look at the Milestone 5 process, and discuss the outcome of the pre-workshop activity you each completed. We will then finish up with a look at the next steps beyond the project where we will discuss some resources and strategies to help you continue on your sustainable purchasing path. Are there any questions at this stage? Good, lets get into it!
Introductions Your name Your Council Your role A green product to put in the shopping basket
Sustainable Purchasing Project Update New Project Manager Project transition June/July 2008 SwITch Over!
CCP Participation Levels Level 1 Participant Level 2 Partner Level 3 Leader Fees are based on level of participation chosen and size of municipality.
Climate Mayors Australasian Mayors Council for Climate Protection Advocate for accelerated actions to address climate change Identify opportunities for Mayors to work together Allows climate change expertise and experience to be shared amongst CCP councils Lord Mayor Harbison Election Campaign
Building Resilient Indonesian Cities Project
Council Updates City of Canada Bay Hornsby Shire Council Marrickville Council Mosman Municipal Council Penrith City Council Rockdale City Council Sustainable Choice
Local Government Procurement Tendering for Sustainability Phill Scott- Contracts Manager Local Government Procurement
Afternoon Tea- 15 mins
Project Framework Milestone 1: Gap Analysis Milestone 2: Goal Setting Milestone 3: Sustainable Purchasing Action Plan Milestone 4: Implementation Milestone 5: Review & Re-Strategise
STEP 1: Review your Action Plan Milestone 5 Process STEP 1: Review your Action Plan
Example Action Table
Milestone 5 Process STEP 2: Identify Remaining Gaps & Priorities STEP 1: Review your Action Plan
Matrix Results
Milestone 5 Process STEP 3: Identify New Actions STEP 2: Identify Remaining Gaps & Priorities STEP 1: Review your Action Plan
Matrix Results
Activity- Brainstorm Actions Develop actions that will improve the score in this action area Write up the best 3-5 and arrange in priority order on the board Report back to group your rationale and discuss 15 mins for this task
Milestone 5 Process STEP 4: Prepare Progress Report STEP 3: Identify New Actions STEP 2: Identify Remaining Gaps & Priorities STEP 1: Review your Action Plan
Progress Report Checklist Relevant staff consulted Action Plan review included Matrix results included New actions included Recommended course of action Endorsed by Council/Exec Approval
Support from ICLEI Phone/email support Website
Next Steps: Milestone 5 Identify key staff Get started!
Next Steps: Beyond M5 SwITch Over Project CCP Measures Sustainable Choice Integrate SP into other plans & strategies Sustainable Procurement Conference
Key Dates Progress Report submitted to ICLEI by June 31st Sustainable Procurement Conference- Hilton Hotel Brisbane 18-19 September, 2008 SwITch Over Project Launched October 2008
Thank-You & Evaluation Amelia Chapman Sustainable Purchasing Project Manager (03) 9660 2256 Nelly Belperio NSW CCP Metro State Manager (03) 9660 2233