CLTS Rapid Appraisal Protocol (CRAP) A diagnostic tool for understanding the policy and practice of CLTS in a country and enhancing coverage DR. KAMAL KAR, CHAIRMAN, CLTS FOUNDATION, KOLKATA, INDIA Presentation for AFCOSAN Conference Kabul, Afghanistan 22-24 November 2016
The context Emergence of CLTS as an alternative approach in 2000 focusing on community empowerment for social change Over the last 15 years CLTS has spread rapidly in more than 68 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America CLTS national sanitation strategy in at least 25 of these countries ODF being one of key indicators in SDG; need for a robust institutional mechanisms for scaling up with quality Conference held in 2014 at Nairobi identified need for a tool to initiate “Institutional triggering” with focus on institutional building blocks for scaling up CLTS
CLTS Rapid Appraisal Protocol (CRAP) CRAP is a diagnostic tool to assess the status and quality of CLTS by reviewing the present practice of CLTS at national, regional and/or district level in a quick and comprehensive manner using participatory approaches. Objectives: It provides process and outcome analysis in a quick and simple manner, involving stakeholders at different levels, in order to assess: the enabling environment and appropriate institutional perspectives; human resource capacity to steer quality implementation at scale; stakeholder understanding and execution modalities of the CLTS process.
What CRAP can do? CRAP helps to diagnose the critical gaps in country policy and programme implementation and helps set an agenda to plug such gaps through participatory consultations CRAP methodology brings the opinions of policy makers, donors, implementing agencies, front line actors, natural leaders and community members on to a common platform for constructive dialogue within a quick time frame.
Criteria for application of CRAP Tool: CLTS should have been implemented in the country for a minimum of 2 years; There should be significant programmatic intervention using CLTS existing in the country (covering at least a few regions)
Duration of appraisal In view of the time limitations and keeping in mind the ‘governance’ orientation of the tool, a minimum of two sample regions should be selected. Days required for the appraisal could range from 5-7 days based on the distance to be covered in the country and other complexities involved.
Six Pillars of CRAP Policy, Roadmap and Directives: This pillar provides an understanding of the enabling environment and the institutional support essential to implement CLTS and take it to scale in the country. Financial Planning and Budgeting: This pillar addresses the issue of adequate financial resources and planning processes that enable CLTS to translate from national strategies into operational plans at various levels. CLTS Protocol/Guidance/Standards: This pillar reviews the quality of the national CLTS protocol in place and whether it is harmonized across partners and applied consistently across the country during triggering, verification and certification processes Partnerships, Capacity and Leadership: This pillar enquires if there are sufficient actors in place and whether they have sufficient capacity to achieve the national scale and quality needed for CLTS implementation. Monitoring and Coordination: This pillar probes the systematic capturing of process, outcome and impact data for quality scale up and to feed into programme monitoring and adjustment. Post ODF Sustainability: This pillar captures information related to the sustainability of facilities and behaviour, including the processes that strengthen sustainability.
Six Pillars of CRAP
Pre-visit preparations Collection and study of country documents policy, strategy, evaluations OD/ODF data, region wise and district wise profile Sharing the CRAP briefing note and objectives of the visit with the country team Fixing prior meetings with senior officials Organizing field visits
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