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Presentation transcript:

Democratic Institutions and Governance Department Good Governance Division European Committee on Democracy and Governance (CDDG) Centre of Expertise for Local Government Reform Strategy on Innovation and Good Governance at Local Level Programmatic Cooperation Framework for Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus Trieste, 13/12/2016 INTERNATIONAL PRACTICES IN INTER-MUNICIPAL COOPERATION

European Committee on Democracy and Governance CDDG Intergovernmental committee composed of national experts from each of 47 member states Best practice and guidelines on modernisation reforms Peer reviews at request of member Updating toolkits of the Centre of Expertise reflecting the latest governance practice Best practice on democratic governance of transfrontier cooperation bodies Guideline and Recommendation on participation in local public life and political decision-making Trieste, 13/12/2016 INTERNATIONAL PRACTICES IN INTER-MUNICIPAL COOPERATION

INTERNATIONAL PRACTICES IN INTER-MUNICIPAL COOPERATION European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Co-operation between Territorial Communities or Authorities CETS 159 - Additional Protocol to the European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Co-operation between Territorial Communities or Authorities CETS 169 - Protocol No. 2 to the European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Co-operation between Territorial Communities or Authorities concerning interterritorial co-operation CETS 206 - Protocol No. 3 to the European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Co-operation between Territorial Communities or Authorities concerning Euroregional Co-operation Groupings (ECGs) Recommendation Rec(2005)2 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on good practices in and reducing obstacles to transfrontier and inter-territorial co-operation between territorial communities or authorities Cooperation Tools: IMC-CBC-C2C – EDEN Database Trieste, 13/12/2016 INTERNATIONAL PRACTICES IN INTER-MUNICIPAL COOPERATION

Centre of Expertise for Local Government Reform Council of Europe Operational arm in field of multi-level governance Established following 3rd Summit of CoE in Warsaw in 2005 to deliver good local and regional governance Seeks out proven capacity-building tools from across Europe and adapts them to meet local circumstances Strengthens in-country institutions through capacity-building programmes Impact-oriented programmes drawing on best European experience contribute to development of effective democratic local government. Trieste, 13/12/2016 INTERNATIONAL PRACTICES IN INTER-MUNICIPAL COOPERATION

Assisting central and local governments Assisting central authorities Assisting local governments Capacity building programmes Legal assistance programmes (decentralisation, governance) Innovative tools (13) Preparation of reforms Advice on legislation Leadership Public ethics Performance management Human resource management Trieste, 13/12/2016 INTERNATIONAL PRACTICES IN INTER-MUNICIPAL COOPERATION

INTERNATIONAL PRACTICES IN INTER-MUNICIPAL COOPERATION Capacity-Building Recommendation (2007)12 on capacity building at local and regional level Centre of Expertise Tools: Towards a Modern Local Government Association Public Ethics Benchmark Modern and Effective Human Resources Management Strategic Municipal Planning Performance Management at Local Level Benchmarking Fiscal Decentralisation, Local Finance Benchmark Inter-municipal Co-operation Modern Leadership for Modern Local Government - LAP Best Practice C.L.E.A.R - a self-assessment tool for citizen participation at the local level Cross-border co-operation ELoGE –European Label for Governance Excellence City to City Diplomacy Trieste, 13/12/2016 INTERNATIONAL PRACTICES IN INTER-MUNICIPAL COOPERATION

INTERNATIONAL PRACTICES IN INTER-MUNICIPAL COOPERATION Programmatic Cooperation Framework for Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus Regional programme Implemented by the Centre of Expertise for Local Government Reform and the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities Budget: € 2 570 000 Trieste, 13/12/2016 INTERNATIONAL PRACTICES IN INTER-MUNICIPAL COOPERATION

Strengthening institutional frameworks for local governance Specific objective V 2.1: Support the ongoing process of reform of local government in participating countries Expected result: Consistency of the legislative framework is improved and new by-laws are streamlined in at least three beneficiary countries and targeted recommendations are developed for the joint use Specific objective V 2.2: Promote ethical behaviour by locally elected representatives in the region Expected result: More efficient, transparent and ethical governance at local level is developed in at least three EaP countries Specific objective V 2.3: Support the improvement of financial and human resources management of local administrations based on European standards and benchmarking processes Expected result: Support central governments and local authorities in improving the situation of local finance through improved regulations, institutions and practice. Trieste, 13/12/2016 INTERNATIONAL PRACTICES IN INTER-MUNICIPAL COOPERATION

Specific Country Projects Support to Consolidating Local Democracy in Armenia Albania Greece Moldova Serbia Trieste, 13/12/2016 INTERNATIONAL PRACTICES IN INTER-MUNICIPAL COOPERATION